Hi All,
First of all thanks to Tan for letting us be a part of the auction again this year, it looks like another fabulous charity and we hope the auctioning of a Hampurr can contribute in a small way.
We are offering one of our surprise gift Hampurrs as a prize this year, either a kitten, cat or playtime box, the winner can take their pick and we'll make sure it's full of extra special goodies as it's for a great cause.
Cat Hampurr -
http://www.cathampurr.co.uk/product/one-gift-box/Kitten Hampurr -
http://www.cathampurr.co.uk/product/gift-hampurr-kitten/Playtime Hampurr -
http://www.cathampurr.co.uk/product/playtime-hampurr/Cat Hampurrs are filled with high quality toys, treats and food, often products you won't find in the large chains or you local pet store. We work hard to source high quality feline friendly goodies for every single box.
The contents of the box you are bidding on will be a surprise but here are some examples of recent Hampurrs which have been sent to lucky kitties all over the UK.
Good luck!