I've already answered in the other thread, that scented candles are probably best avoided, but they could be used in a room after the cats have benn shut out, just to clear the air.
However, I'm going to have to look into this a little deeper, as I have one cat, Clio, who refuses to leave my bedroom, so I need to do something about the smell that builds up, however often you change litter.
If I find anything useful, I'll let you know!
Thanks Dave, It’s quite frustrating being unable to find a straight forward answer as to whether they’re safe or not but I agree it’s best to err on the side of caution and not use them.
I’m at the vets tomorrow for the boys vacs so I’ll ask her too.
So far I’ve tried a couple of things but the only thing that really seems to shift the smell is my trusty yankee candles, so now I need an alternative
I’ve found something called ONA odour neutraliser. It comes in either block or gel form and gets great reviews. I got one on amazon to try so I’ll let you know if it works.
It did make me laugh when I googled for reviews though, as loads of hits came up from people who grow cannabis and use it to hide the smell!!! I’m using work internet in my lunch hour and may now get a call from HR!
Thanks for the other suggestions too
I wouldnt touch anything made by that company
I just dont think candles are safe around cats!
Fabreze sounds good although I hate the smell of most tbh
I’ve only lit them for a short time and left them in a high place they can’t get near, but where I can see them. I definitely wouldn’t have a lit candle anywhere near them, doesn’t bear thinking about!
Is it Bob Martin you’re talking about Gill? Was there something with their products causing illness in pets???