Oh Sue that mad me laugh.
All my cats are fairly fussy and Kocka was one of those who would suck her cheeks in and say look you are starving me but would only eat what bshe wanted,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,even better if it was on my plate!
The current ones have one food when I get up, a different one in the evening and another different one late and biscuits always the same left out all the time.
they also dont like dreammies
I have sometimes tried to change the order cos they wernt eating their felix fish in jelly which is the first meal and that didnt work at all, so back to the same order just different flavours.
Their biscuits are fish too and on the whole that seems to be their first choice but do put out a little tin of chicken and liver or another one sometimes for over night.............depends how much uneaten food still there.
Leave the whole bloomin lot down over night and amazingly I come down to empty or nearly empty dishes!
Also lucky that the cats fit in with my life style unless I am watching say Olympics which is on all night...............then they get a bit confused.
Lupin gets up even later than me