With thanks to my amazing PR machine, Rosella, I can finally get five minutes to update on the shenanigans at WFC.
It's been a dreary month, brightened by the kittens in our care and the lovely folk helping to support this Rescue.
I rarely mention volunteers by name, as they're all pretty amazing, but this month I'm saluting our Treasurer Caz who has gritted her teeth and learned the finance side. This week we had a training session in Gift Aid and it turns out our donations haven't been recorded properly, so she's re-doing all the gift aid donations received to date. Don't worry, we have your details if this is you, kind donor, and Caz is determined (very) to get this right.
Knowing how strap we are for trap and transport volunteers, Caz also pulled on her gardening gloves and has been single handedly trapping and neutering a colony that has been uncovered right in her doorstep. She's done a fantastic job here too, despite me putting the brakes on her efforts from time to time as we run out of space/steam.
Well done, Caz, you're a superstar.
It's getting to that time when things naturally should be slowing down for us, but with 46 cats and kittens still in care it seems never ending. However with my house move to Essex now imminent and Mark on holiday, our new secretary retiring to the country it's time to wind things down to a more relaxed pace.
My application for a years career break is under consideration, I expect this will be granted, so there's finally time. Time to reflect, consider and plan. Time to regroup, refresh and renew.
I'm as excited about the future of WFC as much as my own, and with the support of people like Caz and Mark, Marina, Phil, Ruth, Tracey, Raewyn, Charlie, Sally and Pam, and with our Purrs pals cheering us on, we will find a happy balance in the coming years.
Today is adoption day, with four beautiful kittens ready to go, it's a wonderful way to spend a Sunday.
Here's Ted, Toast and Freya for your delectation.