I have very stoopid,large boy half lying on my laptop, nipping my fingers when I stop fussing him. I gave him a cuddle which he tolerated for a minute or so, jumped onto the sofa behind me, as Sheila knows I am a floor dweller, don't like chairs, jumped straight back down and headbutted me for more fuss, on his own terms, but he really is a fuss monster, the fur in the brush is slowing down a little as is his eating, he is eating almost at normal cat pace. Now all we need to do
is getting him and he other cats integrated. Slowly, slowly catchee monkey
, they are coming in and having a good sniff, when OH or I are in the front room/dining room the doors are left open, he has had a little wander up the first three stairs. The other cats have had a wander in, we are getting there.
, it'll take time, but we will get there.
P.S. Very unfair posting a picture of Spice Sheila
. BTW, when are we all moving in to that mega large house in the country with room for all?