I think the question is why does he bite. Is there a pattern to it, or related events or do you think its completely out of the blue?
Does he do anything before the same each time?
Afraid I have never gone limp I dont like pain and my skin reacts bad to bites and scratches.
Napoleon my late birman used to nip/bite my face, first he would lick and then bite............I was sure he was trying to groom me.
Lupin has a low tollerence of being stroked, hates it and have been trying to get him used to it. Can only stroke round side of his face where whiskers are and he will now rub this part against me but 2 or 3 strokes are the limit and then he will bite or lash out.
You may be doing something that you do not realize that makes him angry like Lupin. Or he maybe telling you that he wants more attention cos you had temporaily ignored him.
You need to watch very carefully and have a toy close that he likes to distract him if he goes for the bite. Toys on strings are very good distraction.
Lupin is not a lap cat at all and will not sit by me, he us very affectionate head bumpin and rubbing round my legs BUT only when he wants something
Just read your post again and see you wanted to move him and he didnt want to move so he bit you. Sooooooooo he was comfirtable and happy and loving you but wicked meowmy tried and succeeded to interupt his pleasure and he punished you! If this is the patttern I think you must either stay where you are LOL or you need to try to distract him before moving.
cats are always in charge and try to take control at your peril
Seriously you need to look at how both of you intereact and adjust your behaviour to not make him angry, upset etc. You will slowly get the balance right and watch that bite cos they can be very dangerous and if it starts to get badly inflamed see a doctor.