So what may be wrong in my browser?
what's wrong wiv ya computer lol ya had sooo much trouble wiv it aint ya.
hmm i don't know cause it's hard to tell without looking at it to see what is going wrong.
I would say try another browser but I knwo we have had this before and ya no likely using another one with ya pc not working all correctly.
lets see
so ya can see the bid amount box and the comments box after you click £enter Bid" blue button on item page.
Then you enter the amount in decimal format and so far ya have had errors
- You cant enter this twice
- You have to bid a higher amount
Is that right?
Those errors are meant to be there if ya try to press the bid button twice or if ya enter a lower amount as the system wont let you bid a lower amount than the last bid.
So if ya try and bid again what happens?
we are getting rid of the "Enter Bid" blue button once the amnount box appears cause if you enter an amount and then click that button above, it does nothing but take you back to the item page. so I wonder if that's whats happening? we will get rid of that so it's not there to click.
So lets try and bid on darlin Bonnie
try to do a quick bid with no comments for now on this auction item;sa=view;id=34-Click Enter bid button
-Enter an amount sat 1.00
-click Quick bid button
watch what happens and let me know.
what should happen is the page will relaod automatically showing your 1.00 bid at the top