I'm new to the forum and a new mum to Martha!
When we got her, we were told she was 8.5 weeks but their maths didn't add up with the alleged birth date. As her eyes changed colour in the last 4 days (they were grey when we got her) I think she's about 7-8 weeks now.
We've had her 9 days and things haven't been great. After a happy start, playing, and doing all normal kitty things, she had an upset tum on day 4. Vet said she was small for her age, (based on the age we thought she was), so needed to put weight on. That afternoon she ate loads of fresh cooked chicken! Day 5 didn't want to eat, didn't want to play, so vets again! Had high temp and antibiotic shot. Still affectionate but not playful. Friday spent day at vets so they could monitor her feeding. They seemed happy though they started syringe feeding which we adopted. Blood work in the jugular poor thing - was all OK apart from a couple of low levels. Saturday vets again didn't eat all morning, and quiet, vet said to keep going with syringe feeds/water and meads. Sunday no real improvement....vets again, this vet thought she was about 7 weeks! Now I'm so stressed and confused!! Yesterday we had a bit of break through she ate dry kibbles a couple of times and kitten milk but I kept up syringe feeds. Today for first time she's drunk from her water bowl..... She just wants to sleep or be on your lap sleeping - but purrs when you stroke her. She's using her litter tray and scratch post but not doing kitty play things. We've been advised this will just take time, and to be patient but I worry so much that she won't survive unless she starts wants to eat herself.
Interested if anyone else a similar experience and what you did.
Thanks Marthas Mummy :