I agree with Gill - kitten play can be quite boisterous and usually they will slug it out between them. When one of them has had enough they'll let the other one know either by running away, by swiping or nipping hard enough to make it count. There may be quite a lot of vocals, and it doesnt always follow the one making all the noise is necessarily losing the game.
Ross used to have me and OH in stitches when him and Tinks had rough and tumble. Ross was quite a big boy, even as a kitten, and he would swagger up to Tinks like Phil Mitchell looking for a bit of aggro - if he'd had sleeves he'd have rolled them up as he walked john Wayne style to give Tinks a bit of the old GBH.
Tinks was always up for it - he gets a big daft soppy grin on his face and his little fangs show. Tinks often used to shout a lot about the inequality of the fight, but more often than not, he'd get in a really good paw biffing of his own before running away and coming to tell me or OH all about it.
Sadly, one of the very last pictures I have of Ross was taken about two hours before he was killed, and what do you suppose the picture shows him doing? Biffing his little bruvver with the utmost affection, chomping on his throat with a paw round Tinks neck - I know how good natured it all really was because Tinks has the most beatific smile on his face, as Ross shows him some brotherly love.