Author Topic: Continuous fighting!  (Read 2992 times)

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Continuous fighting!
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2014, 00:47:42 AM »
The Goo is likely to be saliva from a bite wound, it may have turned septic by now in which case it will be a nasty abscess or have burst and coated hi fur in stinky stuff. Either way he should see a vet. If he is struggling with anything from walking/jumping to eating then please take him to be assessed and tell them he's been fighting nd where the Goo was.

Offline Liz

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Re: Continuous fighting!
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2014, 07:59:26 AM »
I have a 2yo just neutered having been dumped here he was done 10 days ago and apart from being vocal he is doing ok no fighting with my lot so far and the smell is nearly gone

Sometimes with a new cat it takes time to establish a pecking order in the neighbourhood and that can cause issues until they decide who and what is in charge

I am lucky my lot seem to invite all the weaifs and strays home and then expect parent to deal with
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Offline hollycat

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Re: Continuous fighting!
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2014, 23:19:50 PM »
It could be that the other cat hasn't been neutered.  There's a ginger tom near me and he hasn't been neutered,  he keeps fighting with one of my neighbours cats. I spoke to the owner of the ginger tom and directed them to the RSPCA to get a voucher to neuter him so hopefully all will be well.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Continuous fighting!
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2014, 13:46:23 PM »
It can take months for hormones to die down but not usually that lomg.

How long have you been in the area, could be he is currently on what was others turf.

I dont think a vet check would harm.

Offline Purdy Bear

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Re: Continuous fighting!
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2014, 13:39:20 PM »
I'd ask the vets about the hormones as I know in dogs it can last months before they subside.  As for the fighting it might be worth putting up a temporary out door cat run/condo just until his calmed down a bit.    The only other thing is letting him out when fewer cats are around.

Offline Kate S

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Continuous fighting!
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2014, 13:33:48 PM »
Now that Joey has recovered from his previous fight wounds, he has been going out regularly. I think he is fighting every day. When I can I use a water pistol on the aggressor, but sometimes I don't know where he has been.He came in this morning,  in a very low mood. Has been sleeping. I cannot see any wounds thankfully, but on his head what i just thought was wetness appears to be some goo ( saliva?). I am scared in case a dog got hold of him. If he is still subdued in the morning I will take him to the vets again. I am constantly anxious about him, but I can't not let him out.I understand he has to assert himself in he area as he is still new, but will it ever get better?  :scared: He was neuteured last month and he is 2 yrs , so his hormones may still be charging around his system? If anyone has any ideas I would be grateful of any advice :'( :(


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