Author Topic: 6 months old  (Read 3361 times)

Offline hollycat

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Re: 6 months old
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2014, 14:26:26 PM »
:evillaugh: :evillaugh:  Never seen that character before.

Yes, the difficulty with inappropriate peeing is - once medical issues are excluded and ruled out - finding exactly what the trigger is, and then how to deal with it.  They're both indoor cats I think, is that right?

We once took on a rescue dog who had dreadful separation anxiety and would destroy all manner of things - carpets, wallpaper, shoes, clothing - you name it, she  chewed it.  It took months to sort it out, but we did, and I'm so glad we persevered, as she was the most delightful of dogs, with the sweetest of natures.

We then took on another rescue dog, years later, who had similar issues, and it was much easier to address as we knew what we were dealing with.    Cats are more complex creatures thuogh, and much harder to figure out at times.

Mmm yes. Cats are very frustrating at times. One minute they eat a certain food as if it's the best thing they've ever had, the next they look at the food then you as if to say "I'm not eating that slop"  but we put up with it luke the slaves we are. ;D

I cannot imagine the mess a pooch would make as I have never owned one.
Astrophe is sleeping on the top of the cat tree and Zoonie is lying on the bed with me his head on my tum purring like a steam engine he is so sweet but he is driving me mad. I'd never get rid of him though nor Astro. I shall persevere and get there eventually. I wont have any carpets or furniture left, only two mogs  :thanks:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: 6 months old
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2014, 13:50:27 PM »
 :evillaugh: :evillaugh:  Never seen that character before.

Yes, the difficulty with inappropriate peeing is - once medical issues are excluded and ruled out - finding exactly what the trigger is, and then how to deal with it.  They're both indoor cats I think, is that right?

We once took on a rescue dog who had dreadful separation anxiety and would destroy all manner of things - carpets, wallpaper, shoes, clothing - you name it, she  chewed it.  It took months to sort it out, but we did, and I'm so glad we persevered, as she was the most delightful of dogs, with the sweetest of natures.

We then took on another rescue dog, years later, who had similar issues, and it was much easier to address as we knew what we were dealing with.    Cats are more complex creatures thuogh, and much harder to figure out at times.

Offline hollycat

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Re: 6 months old
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2014, 13:30:50 PM »

The peeing issues could be down to territorial worries, or possibly cystitis or UTI related, so worth mentioning to a vet if you haven't already. 

It's worth catching up on some old Jackson Galaxy videos or trawling his website too for hints and tips on inappropriate toiletting, as he has some really useful thuoghts on stuff like types of litter, types of boxes, litter tray liners - the lot.

If you're interested, here's a link:

Gotta say, thank goodness none of us are too hosueproud (the arm of my sofa gets a hiding from nail strengthening exercises  :innocent:), and Astrophe and Zoonie are certainly worth the effort, I would say.  Little beauties.   :)

(How did you choose their names?)

Thanks for the advice. I have tried every cat litter I can, no difference so it's not the litter. I have tried bribery, giving Zoonie some dreamies when he uses the tray, that worked for a bit. I had to cut the carpet and throw out the soiled part as the constant cleaning didn't give it time to dry and it was getting smelly so what did Zoonie do ? He just moved to the edge of the carpet that was left  :mad2: . So in the next few weeks the carpet comes up and wooden floor goes down, it just needs to cool down a bit first.
I am awaiting test results from the vet. I hope it isn't cystitis, poor Tigger had that and he hated his special diet.
My next plan of action is feliway as it has been suggested it may be stress related. Cats eh  :scratch: .

As to name choices. Zoonie was named Zuni by the rescue center which is the name of some north American Indian tribe. I changed it to Zoonie, a puppet character from Fireball XL5 Zoonie(see pic) the Lazoon.
Astrophe was easy, comes from catastrophe.  ;D

« Last Edit: July 24, 2014, 13:42:25 PM by hollycat »

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: 6 months old
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2014, 12:41:58 PM »

The peeing issues could be down to territorial worries, or possibly cystitis or UTI related, so worth mentioning to a vet if you haven't already. 

It's worth catching up on some old Jackson Galaxy videos or trawling his website too for hints and tips on inappropriate toiletting, as he has some really useful thuoghts on stuff like types of litter, types of boxes, litter tray liners - the lot.

If you're interested, here's a link:

Gotta say, thank goodness none of us are too hosueproud (the arm of my sofa gets a hiding from nail strengthening exercises  :innocent:), and Astrophe and Zoonie are certainly worth the effort, I would say.  Little beauties.   :)

(How did you choose their names?)

Offline Angeladeedah

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Re: 6 months old
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2014, 22:35:30 PM »
Aw, they're gorgeous!! Don't say by 6 months he's still not litter trained! I was hoping my wee boy would have grown out of it by then.
He's 17 weeks old and has been peeing in my laundry basket, clothes boxes and bathroom floor. I now have 3 litter boxes about the flat for him (I had 2 cats for 8 years who all used the one litter box).

Wee monsters!!  :naughty:

Offline hollycat

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6 months old
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2014, 14:25:40 PM »

Astrophe and Zoonie were 6 months old yesterday. If Zoonie doesn't start using the litter tray he won't make it to 7 months  :lol2:
They have grown so much, they are both bigger than Lulu was and Zoonie is only a pound lighter than Tigger was as an adult.


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