I am just completey incensed by that video
- I would never in a million years bath a cat that way, its downright cruel the way it was treated! I can't tell you what I want to do to that person
- and this is from someone who
does bath her cats, but never like that!
I bath my own persians because its the best way to keep the coat free of knots, but for a start I always stand mine on a crate in the bath (never the sink), I never immerse them completely in water (they never have their feet standing in water as the water runs away through the holes in the crate) They just stand on the crate, I shower them gently (holding the shower head really close to the body, so as not to alarm them with the spray), shampoo then rinse - all done very quickly, but calmly - no struggling like that poor cat, they are never pinned down like that. I never, ever put shampoo around their faces like that stupid
person was doing, and never, ever spray water anywhere near their eyes , ears or mouth.
If you are going to adopt a long hair cat such as a Persian, please, please don't think that video is the right way to bath a cat - it most certainly isnt! If you ever need any tips about bathing a cat just pm me.
But, as others have said, most cats will never need bathing (I don't bath any of my shorthaired mogs), unless they have noxious substance on their coats and it becomes an emergency.