Hi all
I once had this little cute tiny boy kitten called Bruno. He was so lovely. I use to be able to pick him up with one hand....I use to watch him fall asleep for most of the day.....I use to watch him be scared to jump off the sofa or the side of the litter tray. Can anyone tell me where this beautiful baby has gone?! Because Hes been replaced by this super growing, lanky, gangly cat with boggly eyes and the want to jump and climb everywhere. This non stop growing cat is fearless and is naughty beyond belief. He runs and jumps on his sister, Bebe, while she's minding her business and nibbles her ears and the back of her neck. This cat has learnt how to climb the indoor clothes horse and to jump from the table to the bookshelf. He also grows every day.....so please, someone, where did my baby boy go and how come they grow so quickly once hitting 12 weeks old??? I seem to have misplaced a sweet baby and gained a lanky confident big eyed naughty animal
(Who I love muchly and still comes for cuddles with his mum