He is fine now thanks, must be the weather as Smudgie was sick yesterday as predicted !!
The thing is since Pandora had her mouth problem , she has now gone off wet food, and since Cody has been sick he has gone off dry food ! Now, what's that about ??

Ginnie has settled in a treat and sleeps with me every night.
On the other hand Treacle needs a home desperately as he doesn't want to mix with the others and doesn't want to come in the house.
He is off out the garden every chance he gets and doesn't come back for hours . I was on my hands and knees Wednesday night at 4 am trying to get him in from under the cats at the front in the pouring rain.
Not used to,cats like this , so the sooner I can bet him rehomed the better .
Such a shame as he wasn't what I was expecting or told !
He is affectionate though , but will nip you and he went for me when I put flea stuff on his neck . Makes it hard to,do these things on your own with a cat like this too.
Mine are all pretty docile really Ginny is the only one that gets feisty when grooming and that's it .
Thanks for asking .