Winston is still here with me and definitely a lot better

I sat up with him till 7am when I felt ok to go to bed for a couple of hours.
It was awful, like it was in slow motion the way he keeled over and his back legs were just tucked under him and unable to walk .
I just cuddled him and got some Aviproplus into him every 20 mins and when he wanted to get up to the litter tray I carried him and he had terrible runs . This happened twice in about an hour.
I just sat with him all night and stroked him and also have him extra frusimide tablet ( the vet gave him frusimide injection last time , he is on 1/4 a day ,so gave him an extra 1/2 .
Later on I gave him a stomorgyll for his tummy and he seems to be settling down about 5 am.
At 6am ,he sat up and walked like he usually does ( yes, Susanne ,he has arthritis in his front legs and he has never been the same since he hurt his back,leg when I went put one day and never did know what happened! Can only guess he fell from the stairs or jumped down funny from somewhere)
Then he looked as if he was hungry, so gave him 1/2 a sachet and he ate most of it , had a wash and started purring.
Waited a little longer and went to bed , got up a couple of times to check him and he seems back to usual now.
I know the vet would have pts if he had even survived the journey there !
He is certainly a fighter