Thank you every one

You are so right i worry too much

Any how i went on line kast night on lost pets uk site and searched but there were no munchkin cat was reported lost and also searched for munchin cats in uk there were few for sale one looked identical to her a Persian munchkin

but she was in Norfolk! So next time you hear me talking about her will be when she goes up for re-homing

Thank you Rosella, yes it could work not feeding him in the evening , as i said he run away yesterday not eating his food when i tried to get close but then i saw him out around 10pm looking for food. Gosh it seems i am on cat watch every min of my life

I have left a message for Mayhew and thats what i am going to do so hopefully they can drop the trap to me and i set it early morning.
Sue , unfortunatly the officer has to come and pick him up once in trap and she finishes at 5, and their clinic is closed on weekends. Finger crossed the wound is not deep and he is not in too much pain poor boy

Sorry have to rush am so late, not a good day today not only is Mister anniversary but also this morning i saw Felicity cross the road

Its the first time ever she has crossed the road it was 6 am i called her and she came back but this is not good where shegoes Mr Jingles follow and up to now my only peace of mind was that they dont cross ourroad but now

I just cant live with constant worry.Cant stop crying and have a meeting in an hour.
Thank you every one.