Author Topic: Pregnant cat  (Read 24767 times)

Offline pappilon

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #52 on: May 09, 2014, 21:36:27 PM »
Gill, thank you so much for the offer but i have Frontline combo which is quite good , dont have indorex but have stay kill not sure if is as good but am not up to doing the whole flat and moving furniture and deep hoover afterwards, had a fall couple of weeks ago coming out of shower early morning was tired the fllor wet and slipped ended up all black and blue and had to go to A&E had awful pain on my side and was told crack ribs since then my back is been even worse so was serious about needing a cleaner to do the flat. I sort some thing next week will keep brushing my guys.

Slugsta, i agree with toomany unwanted cats/kittens  :( Is just i was so concern not to use anything on Cup cake not to harm the kittens also i dont get it we are always told not to feed our cats from the night before op but she said with pick and snip they will have her nutured this morning so it doesnt apply to strays!

Sheila, i dont think she thought it was my cat it was just she got the impression Cup cake was heavily pregnant me saying she has a big tummy but then surely 6-9 months kitten being pregnant is as urgent? Yes the rescue officer didnt know me but when started taking my details she said oh we have you in our system which i replied yes i have been supporting Mayhew for 25 years now and the lady in reception who also worked in fundraising recognized my name as i sponsor the cat cabins in memory of dd . Any how Mayhew is been special place as i have Phoebe and Millie's ashes in their garden . Funny enough few years back i was asked if i would like to help with their home checks which i declined, i knew is not for me.
Any how , you are right . Main thing is she is in a safe place and the girls working in cattery are amazing she will get all the fuss and nice warm bed. Its done now and in few weeks she will feel like a different cat.
I just hope Felicity and Mr Jingles take pitty on me and come in early tonight. All i want now is to go to bed and have a good night sleep, wishful thinking ;) :evillaugh:
 Sheila, i wish you and oh a wonderful trip and great time. :hug:
Nite Nite , hope every one have a good weekend. :hug: :hug: x

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #51 on: May 09, 2014, 19:48:21 PM »
Well done, Pav. She's safe and sound in rescue, her unwanted pregnancy will not kill her and she's probably having the best night's sleep she's ever experienced.

Don't worry about Mayhew, they don't know you so may be suspicious of any person with good intentions actually being someone abandoning their own pet.

If you fear they may doubt you, Pav, just show them this thread, they will understand who you are and the goodness you represent.

We love you, what you do is above and beyond and the little lives you save are so important. Bless you.  :hug: :hug:

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #50 on: May 09, 2014, 18:15:34 PM »
Bless you Pav! You did right by this little girl, she is as deserving of a rescue place as any other. I remember how you came to get Mr Jingles and nursed him to health, you have to put him and Felicity first.

I know it is upsetting to think of the kittens being terminated - but what kind of chance would they have had if Cupcake had managed to carry them to term in the wild? It's hard, but the fact is that there are already too many unwanted kittens around  :'(

You have done your absolute best, and much more than many would have done under these circumstances, please try not to beat yourself up over it  :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #49 on: May 09, 2014, 16:32:05 PM »
No your post didnt come out wrong we all understand  :hug: :hug: :hug:

If you think you may have an infection a deep clean will not help but stronghold on both cats and indorex spray of all rooms will do it.

Suspect you can get indorex online cheeper than vets and if you need a stronghold for each cat I can send you them.......just let me know  :hug: :hug:

Offline pappilon

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #48 on: May 09, 2014, 15:55:39 PM »
 Thank you every one :hug: :hug: :hug:

 I hope my post didnt come out wrong, i didnt do this to make me feel good its not about me but i thought knowing she is safe and cared for shouldnt make me feel so guilty, not sure how to explain :-[
 I meant well and honestly thought she is in a bad state but i guess they see worse cases than her everyday.

 I understand rescue world is different, they get hardened . They cant offord to waste any time or money for that matter but i was being naive  thinking she would have a c section when the time comes . Pick and snip just felt a bit cold to me :( But then i remember a while back when i was there i saw a tiny kitten behind the reception so i asked the girl in reception why she is shaved on the side and how old was she, which she replied 4 weeks old and been neutured. I have no doubt
that Cupcake will be looked after well , end of the day if i had waited couple of more weeks then she would have become heavily pregnant. TBH i just didnt know Mayhew have them neutured while pregnant and when the cattery girl said she is too young and it would kill her she went on saying she will lose them and i asked why you dont think she make the full pregnancy? She said no she'll be neutered, it came as a shock.
They are going to keep the name Cupcake and they put her age 6-9 months :Luv2: Bless her.
Now any one knows a good cleaner in London  :evillaugh: My flat is going to need a deep spring clean, Mr Jingle and Felicity are both scratching and shaking their heads , its no point of treating them unless the flat is flea free is it?
Thank you every one for being so kind, i will go and visit her next week .
 :hug: :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #47 on: May 09, 2014, 14:06:59 PM »
Pav Mayhew are so bad making you feel guilty because you care  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Now she is there they will look after her and hopefully un derstand that she is a loving and wonderful little cat who so needs this chance.

Maybe they get hardened by all the cats they see but us as individuals do not and like you we all care desperately about every one.

Sue is right your two muct come first and you rescued them, I am sure Cupcake will be fine cos they have all the people that she needs to care for her.

Its so hard I know but never apologize for caring :hug: :hug: :hug:
« Last Edit: May 09, 2014, 14:08:10 PM by Gill (sneakiefeline) »

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #46 on: May 09, 2014, 13:55:48 PM »

Aw Pav.   :hug: :hug:

Listen up.  You have done a very caring thing.  There is no way, the state Cupcake was in, that she would have had very much of a chance, especially raising a litter of kittens.  Lord alone knows where she was staying when she wasn't using your garden.

Felicity and Mr Jingles are your cats, and your first priority is to them.  They were not keen on Cupcake, and it wasn't practical for you to be able to look after a cat that would've just undergone surgery, when you're working and have your own cats to attend to.

Cupcake needs a bit of time and care spent on her, and now that they have her, they won't neglect her needs.  They may have looked at you askance, but that's their affair - they cant deny she needed veterinary attention.   If she does give birth within the next week, it will be in safety, and indoors.  She wont be on the cadge for food, sometimes getting lucky, sometimes not.  You wont be put under interminable pressure each time you see her, feeling that in some way she's your responsibility because you care.

You have sat and groomed that cat, ridding of her of the worst of the insect affliction she had, even feeling as you do about them.  That alone was an act of love that little cat will have appreciated and make no mistake.

You can't fix the whole world Pav.  You've done enough for now.   :hug: :hug:

And I agree - had you taken her back home again without her having received attention at Mayhew, she may not have come back, after being in the cat carrier and then the taxi.

Do not - EVER - beat yourself up for caring.   :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #45 on: May 09, 2014, 13:54:52 PM »
oh pav I'm so sorry they made you feel bad about this, cupcake is very lucky to have found you to fight her corner but you can't save the world you have done the right thing, I never would have taken willow if I had known how it would be  :hug:

Offline pappilon

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #44 on: May 09, 2014, 13:42:57 PM »
 Thanks every one :hug:
 Had a call from rescue officer at 9 to say they have one cabin left which they will keep for her today and tomorrow as she is priority case, and could take her in any time before 4pm as she is going to be in all day. Made me think i would be really embarresed if she is not pregnant :-[

 So got my two in and decided to go and look for her, i checked the little house and realized she has used it at some point last night the clean towel and bedding i put in was used and not so clean. Started calling and saw her coming down towards me from next door neighbour garden.
Rushed back got food and cat carrier , called the cab and asked him to come straight away. Sat next to her and straight away she got on my lap and i thought if i start giving her breakfast then i may lose the chance to get her in so i just put her in. It was easy but she started freaking out and going round in the carrier si i shed few tears covering her and kept telling her is for the best.
She went very quiet in the cab, we got to Mayhew and they said the officer had to go out to trap a cat will be back in 30 min so i send the cab away and sat there waiting, i saw one of the girls who works in the cattery she has been there for over 15 years lovely and experianced so i asked her to have a look at Cupcake and she said aww god she is so young, it would be awful if she is pregnant it probably kill her :scared:  . She looked a bit scared but not too bad so the rescue officer got back after an hour and we went to check in room.
She open the carrier and Cupcake was as goos as gold , She checked and no microchip then she said i thought she was heavily pregnant?! Thats why i consider her as priority. I never used the word heavily i did say big tummy but i also said it could be worms . So i asked is she pregnant, she said yes but early stage :-: Then she said so where is the ticks, no ticks i said , fleas, roches,... and i have been brushing her every night and have given her capstar. So she is not as bad. She gave me this look which made me feel really guilty as i have lied and now taking a place of a needy cat so i told her if there is a problem with space then i am happy to take her in which straight away she said ok then we have a pick and snip and will drop her to you tomorrow morning :shocked: I asked what is a pick and snip she said we have her neutered and chiped under your name and you could have her back. I told her the whole idea of asking Mayhew for help is after neuturing care, other wise i could have taken her to my own vet. I then asked if they could keep her for at least 2 nights to make sure she is ok after the op and then i can arrange some time off work to stay in with her as my cats dont like her and i dont have a spare room to keep them seperate . I also dont like the idea of having her neutered and released 24 hours later, its weekend and if any thing goes wrong what am i suppose to do? Which then she suggested ok you can take her next door to our clinic book her in under your name for next week and we have her neutered for free and you can then take her home, by this time i thought i have to think with my head and not my heart :( What if i take her back and then she disappear there is no gurantee she stays around till next week and also i have to put my cats first taking her in could upset my 2 what if they refuse to come in, i know its very selfish of me thinking like this but if they liked her i would have taken her in. I thought i asked Mayhew because i consider her being young and pregnant urgent other wise i would have helped her myself like i did with the black stray in Aug which now lives with friend in Bath.
Sorry for this long post but this morning i thought by taking her in i would feel fine helping a cat and i left Mayhew in tears, not sure why feeling guilty that i have taken the cabin space which another cat could have used or crying because i felt guilty leaving her there or that she is going to have abortion and its my fault :'( I know this world doesnt need any more kitten but i feel awful. Any how i signed her to them and she said they have to keep her for a week by law before having her neutured incase some one comes forward, if she gives birth in next 7 days then its fine if not she will be neutured. I made a donation at reception towards her treatment and left in flood of teares. Started walking down the road and decided to go to the cemetary which is few min from Mayhew and Sally is been buried i went and sat with her and had a good cry and now am back at home :'( :'( Sorry  for going on and on, better go now my head in banging, i am just to sensetive when it comes to animals i shouldnt be doing this really. :(

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #43 on: May 09, 2014, 09:14:34 AM »
Sending every good wish that you are able to get her to a place of safety and nurture today Pav  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #42 on: May 09, 2014, 08:34:40 AM »

Do you hope she comes today Pav, and you can get her to the Mayhew.

The collar, being old, could have been a former owner - cats circumstances can change in a trice - if that owner was elderly, fell ill or died, she may have been left to take her chances.  Sounds like she's a friendly cat at herat and therefore unlikely to have been feral from birth - more like she's living on her wits - alittle like Mr Tramp

Offline pappilon

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #41 on: May 09, 2014, 08:29:16 AM »
 Good Morning, sorry got home very late last night :tired: She was sitting outside my door in the rain waiting :(

 Sue, i really cant say if she lives some where unoccupied or not but some one has put the old collor on her some one she trusts to get close to :-: I remember Mr Tramp used to come for his meal allmost the same time every eve and one night i decided to follow him and found out he lived under a caravan eight doors away that was his home  :'( Cupcake could be living some where very close .

 What is interesting is i noticed she tries to get close to Mr Jingles and now Otto and give the head butts and rub her head against them which Mr J doesnt like but she doesnt get close to Felicity at all!

 Sheila, not only she growls and purrs while am rubbing her back but as soon as she sees me she starts hissing and meowing but also runs between my legs and follows me, i am starting to think she might be ferral but then how come she is so friendly? Last night i had to stay and make a fuss and rub her ear and chin before she started eating, felt awful coming in and leaving her in the rain so left a message very late on rescue officer answering to ask if i could take her in today no point of waiting , i doubt i get a call from collor.

Sue, no sign of her this morning :scared:  Waiting to hear from Mayhew and keeping my fingers crossed she turns up today . I need to get her to Mayhew either today or tomorrow , cant take any more days off.
Sorry if i missed any thing still tired from yesterday, just hoping i get to sort her out today.

Thank you  :hug: :hug: :hug:


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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #40 on: May 09, 2014, 07:30:49 AM »

I think Pav is like a very bright light in a sometimes too dark world, and cats respond to that.   :)

How is she today Pav?  :hug:

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #39 on: May 08, 2014, 21:31:04 PM »
purring and growling at the same time suggests she adores the feel of being stroked but has very sore skin so her brain is giving her mixed messages? Ants too  :( I hate ants, nearly as much as you hate roaches, Pav.

Wishing you the very best of luck with this little one, the more i read about her the more i think she has sought you out for help.  ;)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #38 on: May 08, 2014, 14:43:04 PM »
Sending loads of these for a wonderful lady  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #37 on: May 08, 2014, 12:38:38 PM »
Pav, there will be a special place in heaven for you, for all you do!

Great result re the Mayhew, here's hoping that Miss Cupcake co-operates and she will soon be safe and properly cared for  ;D

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #36 on: May 08, 2014, 07:07:35 AM »

Oh Pav, am so sorry about the mess the Gardener made of your plants and the tree.  I hate that kind of destruction - we were just on about it on Alison's thread too.  Very sad.

But, on a positive note, that's real progress with regard to the Mayhew, and their proposal, and am so glad that at last you have some practical support with this, because you cant always do everything on your own  :hug: :hug: :hug:  She sounds like such a lovely cat, and I'm sure if they can get her treated, and give her a safe place for her pregnancy to run its course, ultimately she'll be capable of being re-homed with someone who will really care for her, and look after her.

Am wondering if she's actually "living" somewhere unoccupied, given the amount of livestock she seems to be carrying in her coat, bless her, and well done you for tackling that job.  It's lovely that she's happy to let you tend to her, as that implies a huge amount of trust.

That was very generous of Mr Jingles to share his treat, and I hope that Felicity didnt manage to capture the mouse.  :shify:

Offline pappilon

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #35 on: May 08, 2014, 05:56:51 AM »
 Yes Gill, i didnt even think of my cats. You are right we dont want them in there :)

 Yes they all had a great night out, and i covered my landing with a white sheet sat there with Cupcake and gave her a proper make over got lots of nasties out she even had ants in her fur.

 Just let mine out and saw her coming out of the little house so she spent the night here, going to give her breakfast now. Cant wait to take her in. one or two more sleep out there and then she'll be safe and looked after.

 Dont want to do a double shift today , but hay is to have tomorrow off for Miss Cupcake. What we do for the love of cats ;)

Have a great day every one and thank you , couldnt do it without your support :hug: :hug:

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #34 on: May 08, 2014, 01:28:54 AM »
Well done Pav you are a star ;D ;D ;D

I hope Cupcake will get to Mayhew soon and she sounds as if she will make someone a fabulas cat.

If they come round trapping find out when and keep yours in  :rofl: :rofl:

Yes it sounds like a normal night for cats in London!

Offline pappilon

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #33 on: May 08, 2014, 00:42:32 AM »
 Thank you Rosella and Sheila yes idiot is the right word to descibe him :evillaugh:
 Some how i dont think i would get any sleep tonight good or not :shify:
  Felicity is refusing to come in sitting on the wall ,keeping her paws cross to catch a big fat mouse like she did the other night , saved and released by me later :evillaugh:
  Cupcake is outside and every time i open the door to call Felicity she runs to me and roll over as she is trying to sell her self, this is breaking my heart i really am tempted to bring her in :(
  I keep telling her goooo home but then think she doesnt have a home she looks strange with the collors on. She is so sweet when you rub her back she purrs but growl at the same time, bless her she must be confused  me being nice to her  but not letting her in :-[ Why cant she go to the little house and sleep. I manged to touch her tummy tonight and having dealt with pregnant cats before i do believe she is pregnant :(
   And then its the new cat  Otto which was adopted from Mayhew in Nov by my elderly neighbour . He is outside too, its like a cat night club out there:evillaugh:
   That is it, i am going out to sit with Cupcake and comb her.Might aswell do some thing useful
    if cant get any sleep.
    Looking forward to have a lazy Sunday.
    Nite Nite

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #32 on: May 07, 2014, 22:58:21 PM »
Pav this is fantastic, so pleased you have found support with Mayhew  ;D Well done for persevering!

Sorry about the garden, though. What an idiot  >:(

Good luck cupcake xx

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #31 on: May 07, 2014, 22:43:10 PM »
 :good post:

Some how the gardener .... dont seem important now ;) :naughty: 

No indeed Pav  :) :) :)  You are such a star   :gold stars:   :Flowers:


Offline pappilon

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #30 on: May 07, 2014, 22:35:22 PM »
Ok, am back and not going to talk about the gardner :innocent:
Slugsta, thats was my thought this morning to take Cupcake to my vet for checkup and then cross the bridge when it comes to neuturing but then decided if i start the process i need to do the right thing, keeping her after having the op in my flat not possible. She is such a friendly young cat and deserves a loving home. So i called Mayhew once again, got to answering and left a message got a call back from the reception ten min later lovely lady not like the last person i spoke to last month re the shop cat the one who kept telling me just answer the questions!!! She took every thing down and told me the rescue officer will call me in next 3 days but then i got a call back after 40 min :) I was told she is a priority being pregnant. I explained she may not be pregnant and could be worms but underweight and the whole situation. I also told her about the tom cats around and she reckon there could be a feral colony and she could be from there, what you said Gill! I told her about the paper collor and she agreed is a good idea but she doubt i get a respond or her being chipped.
I explained having no problem to take her to my vet for treatments and neuturing  but my concern is after care and finding her a home , she said if there is no reply to my message from paper by friday then i should call her and she makes sure there is a place for her in Mayhew and i can take her in either friday afternoon or Saturday ;D She will be checked, treated and put for rehoming when the time is right. I am over the moon and told her i would be making a donation towards her treatment.
She also suggested to come around and set traps to catch the Tom cats, if they are chipped then Mayhew will contact the owners and give them advice re neuturing and if not chipped then neutured and release back :) I told her i would try and help with traping but if we could discuss it on Friday as i was in a meeting and peeps were listening :-:

I managed to put the paper collor on Cupcake, the nice neighbour next door saw me and came over to help but she ran away though came back soon after. She also offered to help towards the donation to Mayhew :)
Also offered some ham and cooked ck to Cupcake which i got for Mr Jingles earlier to say sorry for this morning,  she loved it and wof down the whole so am pleased that she's had a decent meal.
Now keeping finger crossed for next 2 days. I can sleep better tonight knowing if i dont get a respond back from the paper collor then she would have a safe place to go to and and i can even go and visit her .
Have to go now and spend some times with my guys, as am doing double shift tomorrow in order to have friday off :tired:
Thank you every one, your thoughts and advice has guided me to do the right thing for this little one. Bless you x :hug: :hug:
Some how the gardener .... dont seem important now ;) :naughty:

Offline Misa

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2014, 22:05:41 PM »
So sorry that the gardener has done so much damage  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline pappilon

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #28 on: May 07, 2014, 21:02:23 PM »
 Thank you Gill, Slugsta :hug: Have some good news but  back from work late and Cupcake is out now waiting and am going to watch Super vet on Channel 4+1 @ 9pm .Be back to update soon ;)
The gardner wont be doing our garden no more :innocent: Got back and couldnt believe the mess
all my plants and pots knocked down while he was taking the hedges out  >:( Long story  :-:


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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2014, 19:30:11 PM »
Sounds like a murderer not a gardner!

I think the first priority with Cupcake is to get rid of all those insects and any worms and to check if she is pregnant   :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2014, 15:35:46 PM »
Oh Pav, what an awful morning! That 'gardener' sounds more like an odd-job man to me, certainly not someone who knows and respects gardens  >:(

You are doing so much for Cup-Cake (and I know you have done for others too, including Mr Jingles) but you can't do everything for every stray or neglected cat out there. I don't know what to suggest regarding neutering and vaccinating if neccessary, I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2014, 10:19:19 AM »
Aww Sue, what a lovely story it made me smile mix with tears. So pleased he made it and didnt let the bad experiance affect him.  :)

You are right i think its either the insects or her being pregnant that is making my guys keep away .

Not a good start to my day, fl...n gardner turned up at 6.30 this morning i was about to go out and saw him outside my flat by this time Mr Jingle mamaged to get out and freaked so run towards the back. I asked him what is he doing here he is due next wednesday to cut the grass he replied i promised to cut the hegdes! I told him if he could wait in front till i get Mr J back in so i got him and as walking towards my door he walks towards us , Mr J panicked he does if he is in my arms and he sees any one i managed to get him in while struggling i ended up with my boobs and arm badly scratched :-: So i calmed him down and cleaned the area which was still bleeding . I knew that the little girl would also disappear if he sees the gardner , had cup of tea and made my way to the back to ask if he still coming next week to find he had cut back my beautiful tree, the only amazing thing with purple flower which looked like an umberella he cut it right back  :( I asked him why he said well i was told  by Linda my neighbour to cut the rose back so i did this too >:( But why so drasticly i asked , is it going to grow back which he replied in different places. I felt like crying i am so upset i just walked away :( Its 10 am now and the little girl is not here yet i am so late for work my two are crossing their legs wanting to go for a wee and the bl...y gardner still out there.
Sorry for the rant but def not a good morning.
Sue, i will help the little girl . The only thing in my mind last night was what if i take her to the vet and she is not neutured then what do i do? I dont mind paying for the op but then she would need to stay in after and my vet doesnt do inside stiches so i need to take her back to pull them out like i did with Felicity. Do i get her vaccinated too.
I better go, no sign of her out side :-:
Sheila, i called the vet and they dont do Capstar, though i placed the order for Vet UK last night so i expect to have the delivery tomorrow and thank you :hug:
What about if we call the little girl Cup Cake or Shortie for now ;)
Have a great day every one. x
« Last Edit: May 07, 2014, 10:24:20 AM by pappilon »

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2014, 06:57:18 AM »

Oh Pav.   :hug: :hug:  Can fully appreciate your reluctance here, but from what you say, this little girl needs help.  you know what it makes me think of?    There was a little lad went to our school when I was a kid, and he was always "the scruffy kid."  His elbows were out, his hand-me-down short trousers were patched and shiny, he wore odd socks and gawd love him, he smelled.  He was a lovely, cheerful lad, but all the other kids were told by their mothers to stay away from him.   Even the teachers used to pick on the lad, and it wasn't his fault.

I met him once years ago, and I almost didnt recognise him.  He'd blossomed - somehow, into a handsome, well turned out guy in his late twenties.  He told me he was dating, had a job, and a little council flat.  I remember how chuffed I was that in spite of all the odds he was up against, he overcame them.

That's what this little girl reminds me of. 

I think Felicity and Mr Jingles are giving her a wide berth because of the insect problem., and I cant say I blame them.

I dont think anyone who owns a cat that is in this state, is in any position to do something to help them, whether through ignorance, poverty, illness or just sheer neglect.    :( :(

I hope someone can give her the help that she needs, but Pav, that might not be you.   :hug: :hug:  And you shouldnt feel ashamed about anything - you give far more of yourself than many many others.   :hug:

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2014, 23:10:38 PM »
 Gill, i have no problem taking her to the vet just wasnt sure if its the right thing to do but reading Alison post i think i should. If she is here early in the morning i could take her before going to work, my vet is only 5 min drive . If not i could do Saturday.

 Sheila, can i get it from the vet? Sorry never heared of Capstar but it sounds like what she needs. I dont want to put you in any trouble, shall i call my vet in the morning and ask if they have any and if they dont then i could pm you.  Do i need to give her once or more?  If only i was sure she is not pregnant then i could put the spot on and give her Milbemax but i dont want to do any harm.I dont mind getting close to her she was late tonight and it was dark outside so i couldnt sit and comb her . I took her some food and milk but all she wanted was for me to rub her face and chin she keeps getting up and giving head butts , ever so friendly :Luv2: I am ashamed to say i wore gloves tonight but i really am scared of cockroches :-[ It would be great to get rid of all the nasty things on her. She doesnt eat much but i havent tried tuna she might like it. Thank you :hug:
I will order some from vet uk aswell, it seems like a good thing to have around with all the strays around.
After seeing the collor on her i wonder if she lives with some one who is not up to looking after her properly, and if the place is infested then thats how she gets them :sick:

Slugsta, i will make sure she does. I am surprise how my two try to stay away from her! This eve as soon as she arrived Mr Jingles run inside and Felicity jumped over the wall :naughty: Well i guess is a good thing as i am getting attached to her :innocent:

Thank you every one for your thoughts and help :hug:

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2014, 21:43:26 PM »
Pav, I know it is a touch decision, especially when you have your own furbabies to consider. However, I really think this little girl needs to see a vet soon  :(

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2014, 21:21:16 PM »
Pav, I think Capstar would help.

You crush one tablet into their food and it kills biting insects stone dead in 24 hours. Whatever is living off her needs killing, and this can be done without harming her, or even going near her.

I put it in tasty tna fish which masks the gritty texture and guarantees they eat the whole tablet in one go.

You can get some at Pets at Home or PetSmart, or online at Animed, VetUK or Zooplus (I think)  and it will do her no harm whatsoever.

I've never heard of roaches on animals either, but if her bedding is infested with them I suppose she may be carrying them around too. A thorough spray with Indorex should kill off any eggs and larvae in your place, and prevent spread to Mmme Felicity and Mr Jingles.

Let me know if you want me to post some Capstar over, I can send it in the morning?

SR xx

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2014, 20:01:03 PM »
Oh Pav, tough one.

I think a paper collar is a good idea to start with.  Poor girl full of fleas and have never heard of a cat full of roaches :(

All I can say is Parki's mum used to visit before Parki arrived and I started caring for her then she turned up with a collar one day. It then was like she had two owners and I regret not taking her to the vet and believed them that her health and ear lump was under control.

Oh dear she is not very good with Mr Jingles :(

Might she be full of worms that is extending her tum :(

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2014, 19:24:42 PM »
If the collar is that old then think you should get her to the vet if you hard  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline pappilon

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2014, 18:31:41 PM »
 Thank you Slugsta, yes she is in a bad way as she is under weight and has Fleas too. :(

 Gill, its not good really . As soon as i let my two out at 10am i saw her outside chasing Mr Jingles
so i thought i ask neighbour if she could take her to the vet for me while i get mine indoor which she said no :-: So i got some food and milk and went out and noticed she has got a collor on :Crazy: One of those which you could get many years ago in supermarkets , it looked old and worn out.
  I thought about this hard and long , she must have a home and it wouldnt be right for me
  to take her to a vet then would it? I am very concerned if she is pregnant then she may have
  difficulty giving birth as she is very small and she needs to be treated for fleas and roches :sick:
  I am thinking of printing a paper collor at work tomorrow and leave a message with my number
  if i get a call back i can try and explain my concerns as she is hanging out here around my two
  and find out more about her. TBH i am not sure whats best to do now?
  I could always try and comb her some more tonight, i will put a bowl of water next to me and
  drop what ever i catch in there . I noticed she was twitching all over today , poor baby :(

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2014, 16:24:25 PM »
Hope no news is good news

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2014, 15:08:28 PM »
I so hope that this little girl turns up so that she can be helped. Pav, how awful if it really is cockroaches, she must be in a bad way to be so infested. The vet should be able to tell you how to make sure that your flat, and cats, are clear  :hug:

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2014, 12:00:25 PM »
Bloomin heck Pav.............I hope she turns up mayb e has already.

Yes they do know and Kocka used to leave the garden and hide when she was feeling under the weather. She listened into my telephone call to the vet amd made a note of the time and then hid and have had to cancel more than one appointment despite knowing she was in the house with cat flap locked!!

Offline pappilon

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2014, 08:50:19 AM »
 Thank you Sue, Alison :hug: :hug:

 No sign of her :-: Been out in the back gd since 6 am waiting . They know dont they  :shify:

 Well i am off today , the vet is open till 7 and Mayhew till 4
 Finger crossed she turns up.

 Alison hope Archi is feeling better :hug: :hug:

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Re: Pregnant cat
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2014, 07:44:56 AM »
Pav, you are brilliant :hug: :hug: :hug:

Poor girl, sounds very neglected :(


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