I went to work this morning to get my cat carrier its been there since i tried to help the B/W cat .
Sue, i am thinking that might be the reason for Felicity not liking her and being scared.
Gill, i think there is a PAH in Hendon but had to stay at work so i could get tomorrow off, my vet wont charge for scanning her and if she is pregnant then i will take her straight to Mayhew. They would take a pregnant cat there she would be looked after, but after this eve not sure if she is

I got home and there she was waiting so made a fuss of her and got some more pics then got her some food but she wouldnt eat! She had some milk though and i thought is best if i comb her got the3 flea comb and OMG i have never seen anything like this before she does have few Fleas but when i run the comb through her it was covered in this black insects the size of small ants some with horns and some flat

The fleas were quick to jump but these guys were just crowling . Have no idea what they are but she is covered with them i also could feel her spine and all her bones poor thing has hardly any flesh on her just long her and huge tummy

I mean if she is pregnant or has worms she must be starving . She cries a lot and just roll on her back and wants me to pet her.
I am not sure though what to do if she is not pregnant, then Mayhew may not take her in as emergency case?
Gill , i dont think she is feral. I suspect some ones neglected pet or unwanted litter that they couldnt get rid

Slugsta she is beautiful, i doubt she is chipped though. She is in a bad way under her chin is all matted.
Any how here are some more pics of her, i better go need to sort my guys now.
Thank you so much for caring enough to reply, means a lot