Author Topic: Interesting cat behaviour  (Read 4644 times)

Offline SamMewl

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Re: Interesting cat behaviour
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2014, 18:21:25 PM »
Ha. No need telling her! She knows. She loves cats too, but refuses to believe she has to put in any work to get anything out. I on the other hand believe the more we put in, the more we get out. All my cats throughout my life have been fun, energetic, loving, warm and with amazing characters. I've known other families and friends who just "leave" their cats alone - no playing, certainly no talking - and the cats, to me, seem incredibly lifeless, dull and bored (and boring). I talk to all animals as though they're human, and I am convinced that it has an impact on their characters!

Wholeheartedly agree.  Cats are complex and any level of concerted effort with them really pays dividends.   :Luv:

me too. you can live alongside a cat quite amiably but the more time you spend engaging with them the more they show of themselves. Real, warm, complex friendship can develop. it frustrates me no end when people say 'cats aren't affectionate'. well no if you aren't affectionate to them! but if you are ...
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Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Interesting cat behaviour
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2014, 21:38:13 PM »
She probably does this at night because that's when you're lying down. I used to have a cat, Bella, who did this. She was an ex semi feral who came round to like being fussed. I'm a lazy type of person and tend to lounge, half-reclined, when reading or on the internet watching vids (back then I was watching tv). So she would jump up, sit on my chest, look pleased with herself and puff out her own chest, then stare down at me, purring loudly. I would then make a fuss of her, pleased by how much she'd changed from the nervous cat she'd once been.

Maybe it's something which some cats like to do when their people are lying down; they feel safer then.

If it's at all possible, try to keep your cat in at night.
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Interesting cat behaviour
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2014, 12:38:29 PM »
Ha. No need telling her! She knows. She loves cats too, but refuses to believe she has to put in any work to get anything out. I on the other hand believe the more we put in, the more we get out. All my cats throughout my life have been fun, energetic, loving, warm and with amazing characters. I've known other families and friends who just "leave" their cats alone - no playing, certainly no talking - and the cats, to me, seem incredibly lifeless, dull and bored (and boring). I talk to all animals as though they're human, and I am convinced that it has an impact on their characters!

Wholeheartedly agree.  Cats are complex and any level of concerted effort with them really pays dividends.   :Luv:

Offline chloehunter

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Re: Interesting cat behaviour
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2014, 10:45:26 AM »
Ha. No need telling her! She knows. She loves cats too, but refuses to believe she has to put in any work to get anything out. I on the other hand believe the more we put in, the more we get out. All my cats throughout my life have been fun, energetic, loving, warm and with amazing characters. I've known other families and friends who just "leave" their cats alone - no playing, certainly no talking - and the cats, to me, seem incredibly lifeless, dull and bored (and boring). I talk to all animals as though they're human, and I am convinced that it has an impact on their characters!

Offline SamMewl

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Re: Interesting cat behaviour
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2014, 23:37:05 PM »
i have one of these too!
she wouldn't dream of sitting on anyone's lap euuurgh!! but adores to come up to bed and 'tromp' ( she marches on the spot on top of us purring her head off!)

we may think lap sitting and picking up is close stuff but many cats don't get that especialy active ones.
bed time snuggles surrounded by the lovely smell (well to her!) of you is her having her close companion time and you know it as you feel the bond too. she is getting what she wants  :)

your friendship with her sounds wonderful but yes maybe tell your girlfriend that the people on purrs said that Chloe must really like the one she is ignoring  ;)
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Offline emmmy_lou

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Re: Interesting cat behaviour
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2014, 16:30:30 PM »
My new addition Evie is a bit like this.

Same as Chloe loves a fuss (until she tries to turn it into a fun fight!) but has only TWICE  (we got her in the new year) lay on my lap. I think tho she knows that is Denzels territory.

She will announce herself coming into the bedroom at about 4 in the morning with a REALLY loud cry, and plop herself next to us wanting a cuddle. I dont mind being woken up at all!  :Crazy:

She too then might just stay fof 5 mins if that, before she wobbles back to her bed...

I think Chloe is showing she loves you,  cherish those moments  :Luv:
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Re: Interesting cat behaviour
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2014, 14:37:02 PM »
A lot of cats prefer to interact with their owners in this way, because when we're lying down, we're less intimidating

Billy Whiz is 10 years old this month.  He came to us when he was around 2 years old and we still cannot pick him up  :(  However in the wee hours of the morning our meeping little man cannot get enough fuss including belly rubs  :Luv2:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Interesting cat behaviour
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2014, 13:43:44 PM »

I'm withh Susanne on this one.   :)  She's honouring you with her affection, in a way and at a time she finds "safe" and convenient.    :)

A lot of cats prefer to interact with their owners in this way, because when we're lying down, we're less intimidating in size, and more likely to be restful and not too demanding in our reactions to their own overtures.   

Our Tinks hates being picked up, although he will submit to it.  He's very overwhelmed by affectionate overtures, and whilst he actually craves affection, it can sometimes be too much for him., and he'll scamper off looking embarrassed.

However, he's discovered that he can interact with us at bedtime and during the night, and it's all so much "safer" to him that way.  And he really goes for it - snuggling down, kneading the duvet, casually throwing  a possessive paw over a nearby limb.   He grins (literally - his smile grows so broad his two fangs stick out).   :evillaugh:

During this time, we can then give him a tummy rub, or an ear or chin tickle, and he'll happily soak it up, whereas during the day he tends to shy away from such interaction (not always, but generally speaking). 

Sounds like Chloe feels very happy having her "special time" with you.  If I was your partner I'd be feeling righteously miffed.   :evillaugh:

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Re: Interesting cat behaviour
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2014, 14:57:02 PM »
When I first had Alfie ( just over 18 months ago, when he was about 10 - 11 months old) he spent the first few days sitting on my chest. Now he only does it at night, when I'm in bed. It's not always the same time but it is the rare night that he doesn't spend at least a few minutes lying high up on my chest with his head close to my chin. If I'm wide enough awake, we have some tickles until Alfs gets fed up and wanders down to the bottom of the bed.

Offline chloehunter

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Re: Interesting cat behaviour
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2014, 14:13:06 PM »
Ah, interesting that others have seen it. I wonder if it's a parental thing ... needing some sort of comfort like they got from their mothers. But what confuses me is Chloe generally goes out a lot in the night, or I think she does, so it doesn't make much sense.

Whatever. Cats are amazing!

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Interesting cat behaviour
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2014, 14:07:57 PM »
I think she just likes her special time with you every day.  Mosi is a bit like that.  He's not a lap cat although he does like being picked up and cuddled.  But every night when I go to bed he waits until the light goes off then he comes into bed and cuddles up to me under my chin.  Sometimes he will stay there all night, other times he will stay there a little while and then move further down the bed but other times he will stay for 5 minutes then go into another room to sleep.  But he always comes and has that little bit of time with me before deciding where he's going to go to spend the night.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Interesting cat behaviour
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2014, 09:33:41 AM »
one of used to do that, I think she sees it at her time with me, she also wasn't a lap cat for the first couple of years but did eventually venture on to my lap and now loves a cuddle but it all started with the 15 minutes at night

Offline chloehunter

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Interesting cat behaviour
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2014, 09:23:43 AM »
Hi. First time poster.

I'm 32 and our family has had cats since I was born. I am mad about them.

Our two eldest died recently, both 16.5. They were brothers - the most
incredible companions to us as a family (we lost my father when they
were 2 years old), so we're all utterly devastated. But although
neither were in good health, it was still a shock that the second died
just 13 days after the first. He hadn't missed his brother noticeably,
and was relatively fine (if deathly thin), when all of a sudden one
morning he just gave up. Our neighbour is a vet and said he'd had a
stroke, and his kidneys had probably long since failed.

Anyway - that's not why I'm writing, though I thought that might be interesting!

My little cat Chloe will be two in July (from RSPCA - had her since 5
months old), and is obviously a bundle of fun (I always forget how
much energy they have as kittens). She's not yet a lap cat, probably
never will be - extremely friendly and hyper inquisitive, but doesn't
like sitting on laps. But between 22:30 and 23:00 every night, almost
without fail, once I'm in bed she'll come in from outside, run into
the bedroom and jumps up on the bed and onto my chest. Purring, direct
eye contact, sits either on me or right next to me - ecstatic. She
doesn't do this to my girlfriend and isn't hungry. It's a very odd,
wonderful bit of communication - either that, or she's just wanting

Within five minutes, she'll jump off and go to the sitting room to
sleep. But it happens every night at the same time, and for a cat who
doesn't really like being picked up or put on people's laps, it's a
really strong emotional connection.

Anyone shed any light?



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