Author Topic: My batty cat  (Read 4122 times)

Offline Stezzle

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Re: My batty cat
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2014, 19:53:44 PM »
Hi Stezzle,
If his HyperT meds need adjusting you will find that out in May so no problem if its associated with this condition.

Sadly feline dementia is quite common especially now cats are living much longer. there is not much you can do, there are some supplements avavilable but I have no experience on how effective they are - ask your vet when your there next.

The best thing is reassurance though, which i think you are doing already  :hug:
If he is still enjoying playing then enjoy yours and his games. Maybe just let him out when you are in the garden with him so he can turn to you if he is wondering what's going on xx

Ive been eating my lunch in the back garden and letting him outside with me. He seems ok with that. He will on occasion jump over the back fence which is up to him. I wont force him to do anything. He is of course sleeping most of the day and goes outside for about an hour at 7am, then an hours at 1pm and then its around 9pm til 11pm that he is in and out. Then he is inside after 11pm because he has his medication then.

His eye sight is perfect (playing with toys) and his hearing is good too.

Just have to see what the vet says, again, it could just be his way of aging and i am getting all worried about it but i wanna be prepared and offer him the best quality of life. I made him a promise and i intend to keep to my word. (we promised that he wouldnt run away and die, and i would protect, love, and care for him until that day comes, no matter what. I would also do the right thing by him when it came to the day that he just couldnt keep fighting it)

Thanks guys, 

Offline Stezzle

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Re: My batty cat
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2014, 19:47:07 PM »
I agree with Emmy and my first cat had dementia and it was the shouting that really got me down.

Walking round in circles sounds like something else and think you should  make some notes and take Licky to the vets.

Kocka used to go out but stayed in the garden both in London and here, she was nearly deaf and partially blind because had flappy retinas but I was shocked when I found her rushing down the garden here, she was 20yrs old but loved going outside and was able to do this all on her own.

Shouting? He has become more vocal as he has aged but its mainly because he is after food or wants to go outside.

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Re: My batty cat
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2014, 17:37:24 PM »
Hi Stezzle,
If his HyperT meds need adjusting you will find that out in May so no problem if its associated with this condition.

Sadly feline dementia is quite common especially now cats are living much longer. there is not much you can do, there are some supplements avavilable but I have no experience on how effective they are - ask your vet when your there next.

The best thing is reassurance though, which i think you are doing already  :hug:
If he is still enjoying playing then enjoy yours and his games. Maybe just let him out when you are in the garden with him so he can turn to you if he is wondering what's going on xx
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Re: My batty cat
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2014, 16:25:12 PM »
I agree with Emmy and my first cat had dementia and it was the shouting that really got me down.

Walking round in circles sounds like something else and think you should  make some notes and take Licky to the vets.

Kocka used to go out but stayed in the garden both in London and here, she was nearly deaf and partially blind because had flappy retinas but I was shocked when I found her rushing down the garden here, she was 20yrs old but loved going outside and was able to do this all on her own.

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Re: My batty cat
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2014, 14:05:04 PM »
It could be, I would deffo ask a vets advice tho....
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Re: My batty cat
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2014, 11:57:33 AM »
I'm afraid that I can't answer your question  :( but I do want to assure you that no-one minds answering your queries and they certainly are not 'silly'. You want to do the best for Licky, how could we possibly object to that?!  :hug:

Offline Stezzle

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My batty cat
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2014, 23:13:01 PM »
I feel like all i do is come on here for answers to probably silly questions...

Licky is displaying really odd behaviour. He is asking for food every 10mins and eats like he has not ate before. He is in and outside all the time and i watched him from the upstair window to find that he is just pacing around and around in circle on the front. He is also showing signs that he is a little confused. I let him outside then 5mins later he wants to come in but he runs so fast like he has been out for hours. I think it could be dementia. Licky is 16years old in 2 weeks, he has an over active thyroid which is treated with medication and is stable. He has his 3monthtly check up begin of may so will get bloods done then.

Could this be dementia and if so any advice or tips to make his quality of life better? He loves a good play and i am considering keeping him in within the next few months. Thanks.


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