Author Topic: litter tray blues  (Read 3333 times)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: litter tray blues
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2014, 20:42:53 PM »
Missed this and well done for taking these two...........I nhope it all turns out well  :hug: :hug:

Offline cathycat

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Re: litter tray blues
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2014, 19:26:55 PM »
Sounds like things have really improved for both of them.Thats really good news :)
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Offline midgecat

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Re: litter tray blues
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2014, 11:24:34 AM »
I took the girl to the vets because I was anxious about her having the kittens when she was in all this mess.  Like the lad you mention Emmy Lou - she got clean bill of health.   Things suddenly got a lot worse and then rapidly improved for her.   She had a very upset tum and I could her laid in it absolutely filthy.  Had a very messy bath where she tipped the water over and ran up the wall covered in now very wet diarrhoea.  But when I'd finally got her clean (and cleaned her room ... yuk) she started washing herself.  Her tummy settled with one shot of prokolin and she's not looked back.  Uses her litter tray, even when I let her out of the crate for a while she'll go back in the crate to the tray.  I've gradually left her out of the crate for longer and longer this week, first under supervision and then alone, and she's been fine.  Such a relief.

The boy hasn't been quite so straight forward.  He's been to be neutered this week so he's also had check over and is well.  He can't seem to decide between using his litter tray (with litter in it) or the big lit tray with a puppy pad in it.  But at least she's not lying in his mess.  He seems to prefer the puppy pad - but then if the crates are open, the girl prefers to pop in and use HIS litter tray rather than messing up her own.  Bloody cats. :Crazy:

Feeling more hopeful than I was.

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Re: litter tray blues
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2014, 10:57:49 AM »
how are they getting on? there is a similar cat like these at the rescue I volunteer at.

He has been given the ok by the vet, but sleeps in his dirty litter tray or just toilets in his bed.  :sick:

He doesn't clean himself either...
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Offline cathycat

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Re: litter tray blues
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2014, 18:42:26 PM »
Well done for taking on these two-sounds like they are very lucky to have found you.Im sorry I have no advice to give as I would do the same as you but they are obviously stressed and probably abit confused-hence the behaviour.My cat who I had from a sanctuary last October, slept in the communal litter tray at the sanctuary (in his case to get away from the other cats)and continued for afew days when he came to me before settling in.Living in a room with other cats at the sanctuary was obviously very traumatic for him.He didn't have any accidents outside the tray though.

Hope someone posts with an idea for you.Good luck.
Bridge cats Ellie,Harvey,Eddie,Charlie,
Miss you all so much. xx

Offline midgecat

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litter tray blues
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2014, 20:22:21 PM »
We took in a couple of cats on Wednesday.  Six month old un neutered tom (he's booked in tuesday next week), and a female possibly a bit older and I'm guessing about 7 weeks pregnant.  They came from a really dirty stinky house with lots of cats and whilst I was filling in the paperwork the female was weeing on the door mat.  The woman said she didn't normally do that - but given how the house smelled I suspect this wasn't entirely true.

Put then in a room together - they get on really well and cuddle up together.  Very anxious when they arrived.  The female peed in her bed so I put her in a crate with a bed and a litter tray.    In the morning the male had also peed and pooey on the floor, and the female weed in her bed and was squeezed in the gap behind it.  So I put both of them in crates with two litter trays each so it covered almost all the floor space.  I've known it work before that they then sleep in one tray and use the other as a toilet.  But I came in from work and they'd both used the tray but were then lying in it.

They're not that nervous now - very friendly with me and with each other when I let them out the crates under supervision.  I've never known an apparently healthy cat (their coats are soft, eyes bright, tummies not upset) lay in its own filth before.  Anxious about both of them, but particularly about the girl if she's going to have her kits soon. 

Any advice / suggestions would be very gratefully received.


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