Author Topic: Trouble giving Licky his tablets  (Read 2129 times)

Offline Liz

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Re: Trouble giving Licky his tablets
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2014, 21:42:51 PM »
I currently pill 2 hyper thyroids Max is on M & S Tuna pate with his tablets and this has worked for nearly 2 years and he can't see the tablet as its surrounded by Tuna and Miss Clio feral is nearly 16 and she gets M & S Crab pate and its working at the moment as she is a toothless wonder

I find human food works better and I have resorted to extra thick double cream as mine think human food is a special treat and its served on china saucers
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Trouble giving Licky his tablets
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2014, 20:16:42 PM »
I wish you all the best of luck cos I have had two birmans that even a vet could not pill and the only tab that got in Duchas mouth when I first had him, seemed to have gone down but as soon as we werent watching he spit it out!

Before that I had Kocka who was the same and now have Lupin!!

Hiding in treats didnt work..................its so sad when they cannot be medicated

Offline pappilon

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Re: Trouble giving Licky his tablets
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2014, 20:00:16 PM »
My Phoebe was impossible to give tablet to. I had success with Primula soft cheese coming in tubes you just squeeze a bit and hide the tablet. Its small enough for him to swallow and not taste it, also hiding them in raw chicken or duck worked for me. :hug:

Offline Stezzle

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Re: Trouble giving Licky his tablets
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2014, 19:43:48 PM »
If you kneel on the floor behind licky with licky's back to you and tilt his head back then pop the tablet in and then stroke his throat (this encourages him to swallow). Whilst this maynot seem like the most pleasant way to feed them their tablets, done correctly it ensures they take their meds without hurting them. I was taught to do it by several vets and have done it with all my cats. The only other suggestion would be to try hiding it in strong tasting food like raw. Hope this helps

We've tried that method and the little man just locked his jaws shut. You cant get them open. The vet also can not get them open all the time. It took two of them to do that method and then she give up and suggested a drop wormer instead.

We have managed tonight with soft cheese wrapped in ham. Just wondered if anyone could suggest some other treats that would be easy to hid a tablet, because apart from the treat sticks (which he is funny about) i have not be able to find anything.

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Re: Trouble giving Licky his tablets
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2014, 18:34:37 PM »
If you kneel on the floor behind licky with licky's back to you and tilt his head back then pop the tablet in and then stroke his throat (this encourages him to swallow). Whilst this maynot seem like the most pleasant way to feed them their tablets, done correctly it ensures they take their meds without hurting them. I was taught to do it by several vets and have done it with all my cats. The only other suggestion would be to try hiding it in strong tasting food like raw. Hope this helps

Offline Stezzle

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Trouble giving Licky his tablets
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2014, 17:46:10 PM »
Hi guys,

Licky has had Thyroid problems for about 2 years old and is giving a tablet daily. He is 16years old in April and still active, likes to go outside etc. We are feeding him hi-life twice a day, applaw chicken onces a day and then he has James wellbeloved dry to snack on (which he rarely does)

Recently its because i hassle. We give it too him at night (11pm) but he keeps spitting them out (treat included) So we moved it to morning (before his breakfast so he would be hungry) but he is disinterested. So we are now at 6pm. He smells the treat (weather a whiskas stick, weebox or ham) and snobs it all. We have to get the vets to do his wormer because he shuts his jaws so tight its unreal.

I wondered if anyone have any ideas of ways to make this fresh to him because i think he is just disinterested in the same old treats but i dont know what other treats to give him to disguise the tablet.

I have mentioned it too the vets and lucky enough we are moving house so he will be the only cat (this house as three at present) so the idea is to maybe try the food diet if it contains.

Any ideas would be grateful.


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