Author Topic: Sensitive tummy  (Read 4686 times)

Offline Stezzle

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Re: Sensitive tummy
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2014, 21:30:50 PM »
Archie has a sensitive tum and I found that he was reacting to half a pouch of gourmet perl he had every day, he is also on science plan light. Since I have switched pouches to sheba steamed chicken he is so much better.

Wishing you all the best :hug:

i tried these last week and since then my licky has been terrble ill (sick and running) be has lost 0.2kgs in 4 days (due vets weds) going to fed him just chicken and his whiskas supermeat like normal. He loves it til he is ill then hides away. Just had to give him tuna juice with extra water and washed all the bowls etc. Got a vets appointment too. But i believe it is this product as my other cat was sick straight away from eating it. Xx

Offline cathycat

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Re: Sensitive tummy
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2014, 00:37:28 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions.These are all things I can try.I have thought about raw feeding as an option too.Its great to have these ideas that are tried and tested.I should be able to find out what works for Eddie.He does get pain just before a bowel movement so im wondering if its IBS or similar.Anyway thanks again all.Much appreciated :thanks:
Bridge cats Ellie,Harvey,Eddie,Charlie,
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Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Sensitive tummy
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2014, 09:25:41 AM »
Archie has a sensitive tum and I found that he was reacting to half a pouch of gourmet perl he had every day, he is also on science plan light. Since I have switched pouches to sheba steamed chicken he is so much better.

Wishing you all the best :hug:

Offline lau200

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Re: Sensitive tummy
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2014, 19:31:18 PM »
My late cat Jonny had a sensitive tum, if he ate the wrong thing his tummy wouls swell, making him look pregnant, the loose stools were awful but the wind was  :sick: he had james wellbeloved which was great for him. Hope you can get something sorted

Offline Blue Rabbit

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Re: Sensitive tummy
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2014, 13:27:51 PM »
Have you considered feeding raw?

Offline cathycat

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Re: Sensitive tummy
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2014, 23:49:52 PM »
Thanks Gill that's interesting because Eddie was fine on Tesco grilled poultry sachets for a couple of weeks and I thought id cracked it and then back to square one for some reason  :(Its good to know there are some options-thanks everyone.I think its abit of trial and error now but im sure we will get there.Thanks again.
Bridge cats Ellie,Harvey,Eddie,Charlie,
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Sensitive tummy
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2014, 00:58:34 AM »
Lupin was like this when I first got him but abs didnt work at all and they also destroy the good bacteria.........tried chicken, fish.....the latter made him ill immediately!

The vet gave me probiotic capsules cos they build up the good bacteria......think protexin but cant remember and he was put on Royal canin gastro intestinal pouches, bought online as cheaper than vets but still expensive and this cured him.

Then problem was what cat food and the silliest one became his stable for months...........Tesco chicken in jelly pouches!!

He gets fed up with the same food and moved to sheba chicken something which they bloomin stopped making and then tried felix jelly pouches and his stable now is the fish ones!! But will not give him fresh boiled fish cos too scared.

Offline cathycat

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Re: Sensitive tummy
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2014, 22:07:27 PM »
Thankyou so much both of you for your replies.I will try out your suggestions and see how we go.Im probably running before I can walk but are there any treats on the market like Whiskers Temptations but for sensitive tummies.Im introducing my 2 cats at the moment and it would really good to have some little treats for rewards when they do well.They are both really food orientated and it would help so much.Thanks again your help is much appreciated :)
Bridge cats Ellie,Harvey,Eddie,Charlie,
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Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Sensitive tummy
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2014, 15:25:23 PM »
I went though a similar thing a few years ago, no reason was ever found - just one of those things I think. Grain free food could be something to look into though...

Id like to try him on a wet food for sensitive tummies but cant find one other than Hills id which is quite expensive and he doesn't like it anyway.Is there a cheaper effective one around?He is on just boiled chicken at the moment to try to settle his latest bout but obviously he cant stay on that.

With mine I switched to JamesWellbeloved (not grain free) for dry and as a sensitive wet food I used Kattovit sensitive mono-protein from Zooplus, it's a dense pate type food and both boys love it - their tails go all frizzy when I'm dishing it up! I kept them on it for a while but then gradually introduced their old (grain free) wet food and **touch wood** they've been fine. I always keep a few tins in 'just in case'.

You can buy the tiny tins to try: - £3.79 for six single serve tins. - £6.79 for twelve single serve tins.

Or they do bigger two portion tins: - £5.99 for six (two serving) tins. - £10.90 for twelve (two serving) tins so 46p a portion.

Offline Liz

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Re: Sensitive tummy
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2014, 14:37:16 PM »
May be get him tested for Tri tich as this can cause the symptoms you are telling us about and James Well beloved is quite a good sachet and food and also Purina sachets sold in Tesco are good value when on offer
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline cathycat

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Sensitive tummy
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2014, 10:41:50 AM »
Hi,hope someone can help im at my wits end!!!My cat Eddie(rescued cat came to live with me in October last year-age 14)keeps getting diarrhoea.Hes been on 3 antibiotic courses since ive had him-Metronidazole-as the vet thought he may have Giardia.Each time hes fine for awhile when he come off the abx and then back to diarrhoea.Hes had bloods done and all seems fine.There is no blood in the diarrhoea its just quite pale.Id like to try him on a wet food for sensitive tummies but cant find one other than Hills id which is quite expensive and he doesn't like it anyway.Is there a cheaper effective one around?He is on just boiled chicken at the moment to try to settle his latest bout but obviously he cant stay on that.I also put probiotics on his food.Thanks
Bridge cats Ellie,Harvey,Eddie,Charlie,
Miss you all so much. xx


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