It's always a bit nerve wracking, and already very good advice given here on top of the information you've already garnered yourself and put into practice. We also have had to do this within the last 6 months, although in our case it was between two relatively young cats, and we were blessed that the youngest cat has a wisdom beyond his years, and understood introductions needed to go slowly, with him on his very bestest behaviour.

(none of that bestest behaviour now

Your heart is bound to be in your mouth, but progress so far seems extremely encouraging.

The fact that they haven't been vocal and bristling is a real step in the right direction at the point when Eddie made his unscheduled appearance around Ellie.
How heartbreaking that he used to sit in his litter tray. A sign of a very distressed cat. His world must have undergone a spectacular about turn. Am so pleased you've been able to offer him a home with you and Ellie.
Hope Ellie's mouth is a lot more comfortable now.

Just a thought - some of us have done very well with Pet remedy plug ins, as an alternative to feliway, but having said that, it sounds like the Feliway is working, so I think more of the same seems to be the order of the day. Well done on your sensible instincts!