This is Geoffrey too...the best success I have had is with RC obesity management, which got him down from 7.3 at his heaviest to just over 6kg (vet still thinks he should be nearer 5). However recently I have had to swap him off RC as my other cat has developed an allergy to the ingredients and so I've put them both on bozita wet and orijens dry...both high meat content and grain free, but he has still regained and is now back to 7.1kg, sigh. My biggest problem is that my other cat is a fusspot and will eat a couple of mouthfuls and wander off, so he often has two dinners/breakfasts etc. It gives us issues on days we are out as if Milly turns her nose up at breakfast, she won't get any food all day unless we leave some biscuits down in the hope that she will get at least some of it. I'm not sure which is the lesser of the evils!