The test results came through this morning, they weren't lost just took longer than normal for some reason

His anti-seizure medication is within the correct range for the therapeuetic level at 'steady state' which is good but in a way I hoped that it would be a bit high meaning the meds could be reduced slightly to try and get a bit more of the old Riley back as he is still only 60% of his former self

Saying that the change in him in 7 days is marked, I would say he was about 25% himself a week or so ago so he's moving in the right direction but as those who have epilieptic cats have been telling me, it's unlikely the 'old' Riley will ever be back 100% as the meds will always make them more sedate. I'm just thankful to have him alive and home I guess!
The kidney parameter was at the high end of normal so the vet recommended retesting in around 3 months when we'll need to re-test for the anti-seizure med levels too so makes sense. So all in all I'm happy with the results and just got to hope that Riley remains seizure free for as long as possible and that we have many more happy years together.

once again to everybody for all your support at what I can safely say was the worst 3 weeks of my life, maybe I've led a sheltered life but I really don't think I could go through that again.