So pleased Riley has remained seizure free overnight, hope the news has enabled you to sleep well 
I wish! the combination of being jolted from my sleep (think I'd been asleep for about 45 mins) combined with the heat and the worry meant I got about another half an hour so less than two hours in all, and I'd been up since 06:30 yesterday

I was worrying about missing the visiting times so decided that rather than lay there for another two hours and risk missing the visit I decided to just get up and hope I can get a few hours sleep before going in tonight.
Went to see him and *touch wood* he is doing well. He hasn't had a wee and his bladder is quite large so that's a minor concern but he was brought to a consulting room rather than staying in his pen in the intensive care unit. First of all he stayed in the basket, which was on a chair, and washed his bum but then he decided to jump out and I didn't catch him in time so he landed with a plop! He then gingerly wandered round the room (first time I'd seen him walk properly since it all started) and even had his tail up at times
So all in all a good visit but just wish we could put a stop to the twitches, thanklfully none while I was there but my heart starts to pound every time a whisker moves or he licks his lips and it can't be good for me!