Everything crossed for a positive progress report from vet today. How did your short visit to Riley go yesterday? Is he eating? 
I didn't like to post yesterday as am scared of tempting fate but he was very bright yesterday compared to the previous visits... and hungry! I took a slice of ham, beef and chicken from the deli - all three slices were devoured in seconds! The nurse said he's only been fed an hour and a half ago!
The vet didn't ring this morning, obviously being a referral centre they must have their fair share of emergency cases so I didn't like to pester but rang at 10am which is the latest I'd normally hear from them, he wasn't available so I left it til 12 (agony!) to ring back and he's still not available so just spoke to the lovely nurse who is looking after him.
They have taken his catheter out, no sign of any urine yet but early days. He has started to groom himself, is eating and taking his tablets. The main thing is there have been no seizures or twitches. He's still in intensive care and not sure how long he will need to remain there but things are looking so much more positive than a few days ago. Going to visit him again later this afternoon