Just had a more positive update...
Since the last call they have started to decrease the anaesthetic progressively and slowly and so far he hasn't had any seizures/twitches. His temperature and heart are OK. The vet said it's just a case of 'wait and see' at the moment as it's very early days but the aim is to keep him seizure free, which so far he has been. If everything is still going to plan in the morning he'll have a blood test to check there are no complications elsewhere in his body.
I haven't really asked about the prognosis over and above the next day or so as it's really a case of he needs to pull through this and turn the corner before we can start thinking about anything longer term.
How's Lu managing?
He's alternating between hiding away/sleeping and being frantically affectionate. Last night I was really sad when I went to bed, he hadn't followed me up so after half an hour I went downstairs and picked him up and carried him upstairs - he HATES being picked up but he allowed me to and purred while I carried him up and then settled on my bed again for the night. He woke me up a few times in the night nuzzling, trampling and purring - that's normally Riley's job!
I just wanted to thank everybody for all their kind thoughts and good wishes, it is really helping me cope with this

Please, please keep up the positive vibes for him, I need him back here with me