Helen, not sure who suggested it but have you thought about taking a "smelly" t-shirt in with you when you visit him. (Not suggesting you are smelly of course but you know what I mean
) . This will help him to relax again when you leave if he can't come home straight away 
Yep, good idea think it was Lau who mentioned it - I did take his fleece blanket to the regular vets when he was admitted and when I gave it to them they said there was the risk I might not get it back which I said fine to. I went back less than two hours later to take him to the specialists and they said they couldn't find it! I asked the nurse to look for it as I wanted him to have something that smelt of home, it was then that it hit me how serious a condition he was in as she said that the vet wanted me to go straight away, there was no time to wait for his blanket.
The specialists' website does say not to bring bedding/toys in order to minimise the risk of cross infection but I changed my bed last night and left one of my pillowcases unwashed so hopefully they will allow me to leave that for him.
Hope you are well stocked up with Feliway as there may be a few hiccups with the lovely Lu when Riley comes home as Riley will smell funny .......... I think this may have happened before? Just thought I'd mention it
I have lots of Feliway left from my bulk buys so will have a plug in upstairs and down. Last time Riley was in the vets for a day Lu was quite mean to him when he came out, and for quite a few days after
I plan to keep Riley confined to the living room and I will sleep on a blow up bed down there - both my room and the spare room have the type of bed that he can get under, yet I can't, and it would be very hard to block them up sufficiently so I need to keep him out of the bedrooms so he is accessible for medication and also so I can keep an eye on him. I think I will have to keep them separated for a fair few days 1) so that Riley's smell lessens in the hope that Lu won't be mean to him and 2) because I anticipate he will need to be kept as quiet as possible and will very likely be feeling weak and disorientated with all the meds he's on.
10 minutes to go and I will find out how he's been overnight and if I can visit him later today