He's doing OK thanks, no seizures which is obviously the aim and he does have a good quality of life but it's like he's a different cat now. I think subdued would sum it up, some days he's more alert than others and he is definitely vastly improved on how he was when he first came home but I would still say he's only 75% back to normal.
All the things I used to moan about him doing I would love to have him doing again - leaving hairs on the duvet, jumping on the table/work surfaces, yowling his head off whilst racing round the house

He's still affectionate but doesn't sleep on my bed anymore or sit on me when I'm on the sofa, and he doesn't cuddle up to Lu anymore either

Whereas before he would throw himself at the back door at 100 miles an hour he's now quite wary of going outside and stands there with his haunches low to the ground for ages before he'll venture out. He is also quite easily spooked now, before he would run towards a strange noise whereas now he gets momentarily frightened by them. His back legs are still a bit weak/wobbly so he barely jumps anymore. That makes it all sound quite bleak but he is happy, he purrs and enjoys being stroked, grooms himself, eats well - he's just not the Riley he used to be