again all for your kind thoughts and vibes for Riley - I can't wait to post that he is able to come home

if you are concerned about the bedroom do you have a room that you could maybe confine him to whilst he is recouperating. Enjoy your weekend visits with your special boy xxx
Yep, the plan is to keep him confined to the living room with Lu having the rest of the house, I don't want to put them back together straight away as Lu will likely be very hissy towards him due to the vet smell plus Riley will need to be kept quiet due to the operation and his meds, no chasing or wrestling. I have a very comfy blow up bed which I am willing to share with Riley - just need to get him home now

The problem with taking the legs of my bed/s would be the
junk important stuff that is stored under them in plastic tubs! I think Gill's idea of wood planks is the way to go but I'd like it to be fairly accesible still so I can access my
junk important stuff.
So pleased Riley seems to have turned a corner. Hope he is home very soon and they find out what the problem was. (Just read you had a new boiler put in recently, I know that carbon monoxide leaks can cause seizures, just a thought) but did you have it tested when it was put in? 

Heather, the seizures have apparently been caused by an immune related disorder that has 'attacked' his brain causing 'changes' to the hippocampus area. I have a proper carbon monoxide alarm which hasn't gone off so don't think it would be connected.