I am sorry that Riley is not improving as hoped and sending all my bestest vibes that things improve today.
Yes Rosella is right, Napoleon used to gobble a whole sachet of food after a seizure and know that 2 other cats on here also did the same.
My vets didnt believe me but think this is quite common. They had him under observation to see if his sugar levels were down after a seizure but they were not and I used to allow him to eat as much as he wanted and he would do this as soon as he could and before recovering. Recovery would take up to two hours and he used to sleep or just lie resting and quiet and darkened surroundings were best.
After a seizure and his were full blown affairs with urination I would just let him relax and then stroke him gentle and talk to him and as soon as I thought he was able to eat, I put a dish of food infront of him..............eventually I just went to the vets to get his injections rather taking him there cos we got into a pattern of dealing with this.
He never had an MRI cos he was too ill to travel and was having seizures every couple of hours at the beginning of each batch and the batches eventually got so far apart I thought thery were stopping and then they started all over again.
I know that Rileys scan showed something quite specific and its likely he will always need meds now but am very worried about him eating and I am sure the vets know they need to get this happening soon cos they get out of the habit of eating. If he doesnt have to be anethnetized sp? again i wonder if it would be good to ask the vets about his eating and feeding.
I really hope he will stabalize and wonder if the vets have any idea why this all started again.
Sending all my best wishes for Rileys stabalization