Naturally hope Riley had another seizure free night and that he continues with slow and sure progress today Helen
I do hope you are getting some sleep
I think you said you are due back at work tomorrow? Very much hope your boss is understanding and you are able to reach some accommodation to manage your time between work and vet visits 
I slept better last night than I have in a long time although the panic came back from when I woke up, up until when the vet rang.
I'm due back on nights on Thursday which isn't ideal

If he comes home while I'm on nights I'm going to ask my Mum to come and stay overnight, just to monitor him really as I would be very reluctant to leave him for 9 hours straight as soon as he is released.
I've had near enough the last four weeks off on annual leave what with my sister coming over from Oz, my own mini-seaside holiday and an aborted Center Parcs holiday so won't be able to get the night shifts off, plus they are hard to cover as hardly anybody (aprt from me!) likes doing nights.
I think it's still a case of getting through each day so I will cross the bridge of what to do when it appears in front of me.