Just catching up on ummm yesterday and sorry to hear all of this.
To me its Napoleon again all over again and of course he was blocked and his bladder had to be opened to get out the crystals.....not struvite.
The constant sedation to do things, bladder op, banks of tests and scans, xrays etc, I am sure upped his stress level and bringing him home didnt help cos another problems would happen and he was back within 24hrs.
Napoleon was in hostiptal almost constantly for a month or more and on a drip with a catheter a lot of the time and my purrrrrsonal feeling which may not help or even be relevant is that if Rileys seizures are stablized and once they have brought his kidney levels down he should come home immediately to see if he urinates etc and also eats, if not and before this happens you need to discuss with the vet what happens next.
His bladder will burst if he wont/cant urinate and his kidney levels will go up and I only just got Napoleon to vets in time! He took me up stairs to his litter tray and showed me he couldnt go.
Its breaking my heart reading about Riley cos its like I am reading Napoleons history and many cats do not respond well to being in hospital and being constantly 'interferred with'.
Siamese and birmans both react badly and maybe the closer the bond between cat and human the worse they respond, I dont know.
Please ask the vet what they would do if Riley was their cat and apart from immediate necessary treatment take time to think about what you are told..................it is just heartbreaking readding the roller coaster journey and the vet and you need to discuss all the options realistically now I think.
I am sorry if any of what I have written is upsetting but having been there its upsetting if you cannot input what you think and dont know the prognosis.
I am sending loads of good vibes for Riley and also to you because I know how draining this is. Lack of sleep and food, not able to concentrate on anything except Riley etc etc.
Please take care of yourself and Lu