How's the little trooper doing? 
Up and down really

He had a blood test which showed the seizure medication levels were too high so tried to reduce the dosage slightly and he had 4 seizures in 4 days

He then started refusing his tablets in every treat/food imaginable and he is very hard to medicate so I was very upset and started thinking about whether I might have to let him go if I can't manage to give him the medication
When I was trying to force it down him it was taking numerous attempts and 15 minutes each time, he was getting so stressed and upset - as was I. To put him through that four times a day would just be awful

I asked for a 'lesson' in tablet giving at my normal vets and the lovely nurse showed me how to open his mouth (which I was doing wrong) but it's the restraining him that's the problem, I didn't want to resort to wrapping him a towel as that prolongs the ordeal so first tried without... foolishly whilst wearing only a dressing gown! I have cuts on my legs, arms, his tooth caught the edge of my thumb/nail causing an outpouring of blood then at the next attempt his claw caught the other edge.. more blood

His dose has been put back up and *touch wood* no more seizures but then there's the worry that the levels are too high again

Thankfully he's started co-operating with his tablets again and is having them in treats.
We're no further forward with the skin issues, they've definitely got worse and he has seen the dermatologist at the specialists twice now and various tests have drawn a blank. Her words... whatever it is it's very rare and pretty strange!