Is he going to the loo ok now now hun? eating ok? any more meetings with Lu?
All mu love coming over that Riles will be able to be himself soon
Yep, he's fully back to normal in the litter tray department - in fact he has about 7/8 wees a day now as the meds he's on cause extreme thirst and he's been drinking 350ml-450ml of water every 24 hours

His appetite is great (again, due to the meds) and he has probably put back on any weight he lost when he was so poorly.
I've let them mingle freely for the last couple of days, Lu started off being quite hissy every time Riley went near him but it's down to hissing only 20% of the time he goes near him now. He does still smell slightly 'vet-y' and luckily Riley takes no notice of Lu

Got an appointment at the regular vets tomorrow to check the level of the meds in his system, and also kidney function cos there were issues with his kidneys while at the specialists. My vet does have in house testing but I already asked the specialist about the test and he said that the sample needs to be sent away to a lab so probably won't find out til early next week.