
He's had a few really bad relapses in the last few months, mainly due to medication issues I think, but *touch wood*, and please don't let this jinx things, but he seems to be doing OK lately.
He's due his boosters in May so he'll be having repeat blood tests too and there's a few possible options for his medications, the danger with changing anything is that he tends to relapse in spectacular style with cluster seizures but will have to cross that bridge as and when

I took this lovely photo of him the other day, one of the side effects (not sure if it's from the medication or the damage to his brain) is that he doesn't snuggle up to Lu anymore, in fact he hisses at him now

It's strange as he can walk past him/be near him say 100 times in a day without hissing but then once or twice a day he hisses at him

Lu doesn't react and there's never any fighting but Riley used to be head over heels in love with Lu so it's sad to see the change.
Anyway, the other day he voluntary sat on the sofa next to him