Author Topic: Play fighting or fighting?  (Read 4251 times)

Offline CuteCats

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Re: Play fighting or fighting?
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2013, 00:03:25 AM »
Probably best to keep an eye on them when you're around.  Ours have fought ( whether play or real ) from time to time and got a bit rough at times.

Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Play fighting or fighting?
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2013, 12:40:23 PM »
Sugar is only 8 weeks old guys, play fighting????......I would keep a very close eye on the others as they are mature and sugar is the baby. I am sure you would not want sugar to be bullied by any of the others....I would definitely supervise Fudge and Sugar's interaction as Fudge is still basically a kitten and in no doubt full of mischief but must still be big compared to sugar and could do harm if not physically but mentally to their relationship. :hug:

Offline Stuart

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Re: Play fighting or fighting?
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2013, 10:41:15 AM »
yeah, sounds like play fighting to me  ;)

and yes they can be pretty rough  :shocked: Hamish and Misty used to play fight all the time, but over the Years, Misty would get rougher and
rougher to the point that I would intervene, usually by the squealing in pain coming from Hamish  :doh:
but there was that one time  :evillaugh:

lets see if i can find the picture / post  :rofl:

edit - found it  :evillaugh:,9272.msg150530.html#msg150530
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Re: Play fighting or fighting?
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2013, 10:35:08 AM »
yeah, sounds like play fighting to me  ;)

and yes they can be pretty rough  :shocked: Hamish and Misty used to play fight all the time, but over the Years, Misty would get rougher and
rougher to the point that I would intervene, usually by the squealing in pain coming from Hamish  :doh:
but there was that one time  :evillaugh:

lets see if i can find the picture / post  :rofl:
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Re: Play fighting or fighting?
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2013, 10:20:19 AM »
My two still play fight. I did worry at first, but they are coming up 3 now and still do it!

They are practicing in case anything happens in the real world, and also finding out which one is higher up in the household. So as was said, try not to worry, but I would keep them supervised til they know each other better.

As my Dexter got older, he started to growl when they were playing. It scared the  :censored: out of me the first time I heard it!  :scared:
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Offline ToffeeandCookie

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Re: Play fighting or fighting?
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2013, 18:49:22 PM »
My two kittens (both girls) also play flight a lot. My vet told me that as long as its pretty silent (ie no hissing) and that they are both chasing each other/taking turns to chase/be chased - then not to worry.
If there is growling or hissing then you can interveen, but use a toy or a pillow - never your hands ( I learned that the hard way with previous cats!)

any mewoing is just their way of telling their playmate "oi! thats a bit rough! Too hard!" etc - so as long as Fudge is getting the message sounds to me like they will be fine. Just happy to have someone to play with!

I agree that its the other cats who appear to be putting Sugar in her/his place!

Offline SamMewl

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Re: Play fighting or fighting?
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2013, 16:38:19 PM »
It sounds to me like Fudge and Sugar are play-fighting. Fudge is probably delighted that he has a young friend to play with. Fudge will hopefully try and temper his playing in response to Sugar's whines.

It is the older two who are letting Sugar know that (s)he is at the bottom of the pile with hissing!

In cat 'societies' the females are the top-dog and conflict usually occurs with two adult females. Kittens are not usually considered a threat so are often ignored or seen as playmates. When boy cats are neutered (or prepubescent) there is no reason why they shouldn't get on with each other and my two boys, one 5 the other 17 are best of friends.

Maybe you should let them have supervised playtime together and only intervene if you think Sugar is trying to get away and can't.

good luck x
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Re: Play fighting or fighting?
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2013, 17:54:18 PM »
I think its probably play fighting and as long as it does not get vicious and they hurt each other, then I would be content and chuck in a toy when ever necessary  ;D

Offline Stezzle

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Play fighting or fighting?
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2013, 15:50:01 PM »
So our house now has 4 cats.

We have Licky and Candy who are 15 years old, Licky has an overactive thyroid and stable and Candy has just recently been given the same diagnosis. They are twin brother and sister, So vet has said it is genetic in their line.

About 2 months ago, Licky brought home a stray kitten (we named him Fudge) He is now 8 Months old and very handsome, loves a play and Licky and Candy looked after him and basically took him over their paws.

We now have a 8 week old kitten ( calling Sugar) We have been told its a girl, but i think its a boy. Its only been a week here but already Fudge and Sugar are rolling around the floor. I am just unsure if it is play fighting or real fighting. He almost hunts her down and she hides behind boxes and hits him back. It always ends up with Fudge pinning her down and both biting and pawing each other in a fur ball. Sugar has whined once or twice when i think Fudge is being too rough, I just getting to my wits end. I've chucked a toy in the middle and Fudge has taken the toy instead but then Sugar will attack him when he walks off and it starts again.

I keep them separated most the time. Fudge enjoys going outside a lot and then sleeps in the bathroom at end (his choice, i think its cooler for him) and Sugar sleeps in a spare room with a litter etc.

Apart them that my day is spend trying to keep them apart.

Licky and Candy are aware of Sugar and hiss at her, to which she will back off or lay flat on the floor. Licky is the alpha cat and they all watch themselves around him but last time he hissed at Fudge when Sugar screamed and Fudge back off Sugar. It was almost like Licky was telling Fudge off for me. haha.

Saying all this i think Sugar is a boy. It explains why Candy my only female is not bothered and maybe why Fudge has a problem. i thought maybe he was telling Sugar where he belongs (at the bottom of the house) or that he just sees Sugar as a real toy.

Any ideas or suggestion would be great.

All my cats apart from Sugar (as shes 8 weeks) have been done, before anyone suggested that.




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