Author Topic: Can anyone help me with my wondering cat?  (Read 11557 times)

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Can anyone help me with my wondering cat?
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2013, 16:00:35 PM »
 :welcome: to Purrs

It's a tricky one, as you know it's virtually impossible to try and control what a cat does when out and about  :shy: Are the people that are feeding him the same ones each time? If so have you asked them to stop feeding him? You can get collars which you can have messages printed on, such as 'DO NOT FEED' which might help for any future feeders.

Another thing to consider might be catproofing your garden - you need to have sound fencing, minimum of 5ft but preferably 6ft. I've had mine for over 5 years and it has kept my two cats safely within my own garden the whole time.

It does sounds like he might benefit from a friend, especially if your hours at work have increased as it will give him a bit of company while you're out.

Offline ewest

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Can anyone help me with my wondering cat?
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2013, 15:52:05 PM »

I'm not sure i'm using the right thread for this, because I've never used a forum before but I'm having trouble with my 1 year old maine coon who keeps wondering off.

He was fine when he was younger, always came back except for one time when he was gone for up to a week but had been living with a family until they checked his microchip.

However I have recently taken a job until January that means I am working much longer hours and have an hour and half commute meaning I'm not home until 9pm each day and since starting this he has pretty much moved out. because hes chipped and has an id tag he always gets brought back to me, but when ever I go pick him up, there is always a bowl of milk and food laid out for him at the houses which I know is well meaning but just means as soon as i've got him home he just wants to head straight back there.

He is at the moment locked in which I know is driving him crazy and I hate the thought of him stuck inside all those hours that im not there but at the same time every nights hes not at home I can't sleep from worry about him. I'm wondering if any one else has had a similar problem and has any tips, or if anyone thinks he might need a playmate - maybe another cat he does really like playing with other animals, small dogs in particular. I love having him and he keeps my mice at bay so he is very useful for a north london flat, but at the moment keeping him at home is almost impossible. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


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