I think it's a different formula, there's a review on Zooplus - incidentally Mark the Bozita works out to 66p a carton (380g) from Zooplus. I'm going to order some and try the boys on it as it has a really high meat content for a bargainous price, they have Natures Menu at the moment which I will continue to give them as they are doing really well on it but I think they'd prefer some more wet instead of 2 wet meals and 2 dry meals.
Here's the review: "Yummy!! My cats love Bozita and i normally get the cardboard tetra packs 380g.I tried them on the tins (which normally they don't like tins) but they like this aswell as the cardboard packs except these tins contain 30g more per tin for the same price.But they have not complained."