Author Topic: Need advice on kitten purchase.  (Read 97883 times)

Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #275 on: March 03, 2013, 11:54:16 AM »
Yep, them Sureflaps look ok too.  I'll have another proper look at them all later and make a purchase I think.

Got up this morning and let her out about 7:30, went out to check on her about 9:30 and it looked like she had teamed up with next doors new kitten "Sooty" - they were prowling about the back garden together.

So I went for a trip to the Spar to get some juice and me and next doors a Subway sandwich.  When I got back she came trotting down the path and in through the front door.  She nipped back outside briefly then came back inside and assumed the position on the windowsill.  She's currently asleep in her bed  :Luv:

I've taken a few snaps on my phone but I cant find anyway to get them off my phone and resize them by batch, fed up of having to re size them individually for the size limit on this site.  So I'm having a go at writing my own.  Coding on a Sunday, I really need to get out more.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #274 on: March 03, 2013, 08:58:35 AM »

Sounds like she's really enjoyed her first forays outside with you, and its great yesterday was such a nice day for it too.   :)  Lovely to know too that when shhe felt a little out of her depth she came straight back to you.  She'll be sussing out her territory and working out her "bestest bits"  :Luv:

Gotta say Sheila persuaded me to try the Sureflap, and I'm a complete convert now.  We got two - the smaller one, which we donated to our Ross's best mate's family, and the larger one, which we've had installed into a new front door, and it's the bees knees.   :wow:

We liked it because it didn't need to be plugged in anywhere, which would've been a problem for us, and it's much more aesthetically pleasing to look at both outside and in.  That, and the fact Sureflap's customer service is by all accounts, unbeatably good.

Would also add that Big Burglar Cat who's been intimidating Ross and Dickie has also been having a pee-fest in a neighbour's house - she came over to look at our flap on Friday night, and as a result was so impressed she's ordered one as a replacement for her Staywell flap.  :evillaugh:

Gill - I reckon Misa may just manage the bigger flap.   ;)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #273 on: March 02, 2013, 21:00:18 PM »
Sounds she was just waiting to go out  ;D

I think she is a small cat but if she is likely to grow then you need to think carefully about the size of the flaps. The Pet porte one I think still has a sorta hood which hangs outside about 3-4 inches so is quite easky to knock against and break.

The Sure flap now comes in two sizes one to suit the slightly larger cat, Misa my 7.5 kg couldnt get through the original Sureflap even before getting that big  :shify: :shify: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not sure he would get through the bigger one either  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #272 on: March 02, 2013, 19:04:53 PM »
Sounds like a successful sortie out of doors!  She clearly knows where she lives and is happy to go off to explore and then come home. 

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #271 on: March 02, 2013, 17:59:57 PM »
She knows the ropes alright  ;D

Microchip flaps are excellent. Petporte needs an electricity supply closeby as they are mains powered. Needs a battery back up in case of powercuts.

Sureflap are only battery powered so no such issues. Four AA batteries lasts 3-4 months here but we have 7 cats in and out all day so yours would probably last a while longer than that, unless of course you start adding to your numbers. (Sureflap also supported our Purrs Auction last Christmas so I'm a wee bit biased  :shy:  )

My cats have 3 different brands of microchip fitted and none caused any registration problems.  :)

More photos please?  ;)

Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #270 on: March 02, 2013, 17:30:20 PM »
Think I'm going to get one of them chip ones, Petporte I think.   Seems to have mixed reviews though.  Think I'm going do a bit more research before I order one.  But that one that reads the chips currently at the top of the pile.

I've just let her out again, she seems to like it outside.   I left her outside for about half an hour then went looking, she was mooching round the back I got her back in and shut the back door.  Tried getting her out the kitchen but she made it abundantly clear she wanted to go back outside, so I've turfed her back out back.  Think I'll leave her too it for a couple of hours, she seems to know what the crack is.

I can't believe she would rather be out, skulking around hedgerows and other peoples gardens than sitting in the front room watching me play Team Fortress on the computer all afternoon.  Unbelievable.

oops, forgot to post this before.   

Just been and got her from out back, she came straight back in.  Think she was cold cos shes sitting on the windowsill over the radiator now snoozing.

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #269 on: March 02, 2013, 11:02:58 AM »
Excellent start, Stevo! Have you worked out what type of catflap you're going to get?

Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #268 on: March 02, 2013, 10:21:07 AM »
First day of freedom is underway!  I let her out at about 8:30am this morning, she had one false start where she went round the side of the house then ran straight back in the kitchen.  I coaxed her outside again and off she went.  She systematically worked her way round every neighbours garden,  had a bit of a run in with one of Joy's cats - nothing serious, a bit of hissing etc  came back then scampered to the end of the path and disappeared round the back of next door but ones.

Then was not seen for an hour  :scared:  me and next doors kid had a look for her but couldn't see her anywhere so I went inside to warm up.  I nipped upstairs when I came back she was stood in the back garden, she came wandering into the kitchen for a quick stroke so I decided enough for today and shut the back door and went to get her food dish for her dinner.  Come back in the kitchen and she's sat at the back door, I opened the door for her and she shot back outside - even with food dish in my hand!! 

Forgot to do the video, tried to take a couple of snaps but she wouldn't stand still long enough!  I took a couple of pics but they're rubbish.

Not sure about Chuckles but I'm getting hungry now!  going to go see if I can find her so I can go the shop, I need a bacon butty.

Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #267 on: March 01, 2013, 17:11:02 PM »
Yeah, next door said to make sure that I let her out before I feed her, be a nice early morning for me as she starts pestering me for food at 6:30am every day now.

I've also got the "secret weapon" that someone mentioned on this thread ages ago about the kissy noises & the chickun.   lol, she knows what that means  :briggin:

Shes quite partial to a bit of wafer thin ham too these days too, I'll make sure to pick some up from asda's on the way home   :shify:

Hope its nice, warm and sunny tomorrow morning, I'll settle for 25 celcius  :wow:

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #266 on: March 01, 2013, 15:56:35 PM »
Stevo, sounds like the beginning of a whole new adventure. Are you ready for the constant mythering you're gonna get once she's tasted the cool sweet air?

One tip, though. For her first ever foray, make sure she's good and hungry when you open the door. She may run off if she gets spooked but a hungry tummy somehow seems to pull them back pdq.  :sneaky:

Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #265 on: March 01, 2013, 15:46:24 PM »
Well, seeing as it is going to be a couple of weeks until I can get the flap fitted, tomorrow morning it is - we're going outside!  Weather forecast looks ok and I'll be able to let a bit of air through the house.  She is absolutely itching to go outside now.  I'll go and spend an hour with her in the back garden.... hope she doesn't run off  :scared:

If I remember I'll try to do a bit of a video with my phone and stick it on youtube for you.  You'll be able to see the disaster that is my back garden  :wow:

Offline Greenlaner

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #264 on: February 27, 2013, 08:37:03 AM »
Dyson ball and handheld one are good.  I use the smaller one to clean Billys baskets .  :hug:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #263 on: February 27, 2013, 08:28:22 AM »
Miele, Sebo, Dyson and Orek are all good hoovers, but they without exception require the donation of an arm and a leg, and occasionally (in the case of Miele) a kidney.......

But as you have 2, it's sooooooo worth it  :evillaugh:

 :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #262 on: February 27, 2013, 08:26:46 AM »
Miele, Sebo, Dyson and Orek are all good hoovers, but they without exception require the donation of an arm and a leg, and occasionally (in the case of Miele) a kidney.......

But as you have 2, it's sooooooo worth it  :evillaugh:

Offline Tigerlily (Allison)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #261 on: February 27, 2013, 08:20:28 AM »
Thanks for the update Stevo.  :)

If you let Chuckles out this weekend I assume it will be under supervision?

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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #260 on: February 26, 2013, 15:29:37 PM »

Good to hear that the two of yuo are growing together like comfy old slippers.   ;)

Miele, Sebo, Dyson and Orek are all good hoovers, but they without exception require the donation of an arm and a leg, and occasionally (in the case of Miele) a kidney.......

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #259 on: February 26, 2013, 15:01:23 PM »
hoovers always set of great debate but I swear by sebo, they are fab!

Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #258 on: February 26, 2013, 14:58:47 PM »
Well Shelia, funny you should ask.  Had my dad over lastnight to discuss the fitting of the cat flap.  Just going to remove the bottom glass panel of the back door and stick a sheet of plywood in there.  Isn't going to be too pretty but will get the job done.  Won't look too bad once its been painted, the door look terrible as it is anyway  :evillaugh:

Not really give getting another kitty much thought of late, not sure why.  Think we're both happy the way things are.  Still might get another in the future though   ;)

She's really itching to go outside now, she started scratching at the backdoor lastnight.  I bet the poor little mite is bored to tears being stuck inside all day.  Its going to be at least the week after next before the flap is fitted.  I'm tempted to just let her out the door for a bit this weekend if the weather is ok.  Just so she can have a mooch about and meet the neighbours.

I have also come to the conclusion that my hoover is just not upto the job, its always been poor but I think I'm going to have to buy a new one.  Can anyone recommend a decent one ?  I'm not really clued up on hoovers.  I did look at a Dyson Animal one but the cheapest I could find was nearly 300 quid (they did go upto 400 and odd!) - I don't mind paying but I'm sure theres got to be better for cheaper.

Yep were getting on famously, now you've said it - I'm thinking about getting another again now !!!  :wow:

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #257 on: February 26, 2013, 10:47:56 AM »
So, Stevo. What's happening, Man?  ;)

You and Chuckles got a new pal/cat flap/ door yet?  :hi:

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #256 on: February 14, 2013, 11:12:13 AM »
I've been following this thread from the start, and am so glad that you're happy with Chuckles, Stevo.  She is adorable and I bet you're enjoying being her slave!  :)
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Offline Tigerlily (Allison)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #255 on: February 13, 2013, 20:31:45 PM »
She really is gorgeous Stevo  :Luv2: :Luv2: I bet you can't imagine life without her now  :) :)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #254 on: February 13, 2013, 06:51:25 AM »

I bet it does seem like ages ago now - LBC (life before Chuckles)  :)

I just love the photo of her peeping at you through the curtains.   :evillaugh:

Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #253 on: February 12, 2013, 20:20:36 PM »
I've just had a look at some of the earlier posts on this thread, seem like ages ago now.

Glad its cheered you up a bit Bee  :)

I rooted a couple of pics off my phone from last Saturday, the one where she is stood up we were playing some playstation.  As you can see she's thrilled at the action  :wow: 
The other we were just relaxing, probably just before we (I) went to sleep.

The one where she's looking through the curtains was taken just now, she's watching me type this   :wow:

Enjoy !!

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #252 on: February 12, 2013, 18:03:06 PM »
I agree it is a lovely thread, thankyou Steve for helping some of us to smile a little when we are feeling sad.

Chuckles is a lucky girl being chosen to grace your sofa, I wouldn't leave it too much longer before getting a playmate for her.  ;)

Oh and we need more photos!!!!!


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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #251 on: February 11, 2013, 20:43:38 PM »
I have just read back through this whole thread as have missed it until now... It's lovely, and in a time of real sadness for us has reminded me of how wonderful it was giving our girls a loving home, which, lets face it, is the best thing you can do for them for as long as they grace our little world.  I did two 4 hour round trips to collect our little deaf beauties.. :)
I am considering whether to introduce a new cat following the loss of our little Bass so will be interested to see what you decide, although our situation is of course different to yours... chuckles is a lucky little girl, she looks like my first cat Minnie the Moocher.  ;)
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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #250 on: February 11, 2013, 19:12:02 PM »
Stevo, there's a lot to be learned from our Introduction page. Bringing in a new cat to established cat territory is almost never straightforward but if it's done carefully and methodically the results can be very successful.

Here's the page, in case you hadn't read enough of Purrs already  :shy:,4789.0.html

I think you should be thinking about getting another cat, but as a second pet for you not necessarily a companion for Chuckles. When you have that firmly in your mind you will be less disappointed when they simply "rub along" rather than curling up together in that oh-so-desirable fluffy ball.

And if the fluffy ball does happen, you'll be even more delighted. The red dot is a great leveller, by the way, but that's a long way off yet. Pleased Chuckles has made you so happy.  ;D

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #249 on: February 11, 2013, 15:46:12 PM »

She was obviously being polite initially, and waiting for you to offer her a slce.  When that wasn't going to happen, she decided to reach out to you - literally - on the basis Gods help those who help themselves  :evillaugh:

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #248 on: February 11, 2013, 15:43:12 PM »
Yes just imagine two working as a team. One could distract you while the other stole your food. I remember at my parent house when I was young the dog and cat had some sort of joint  food stealing techniques. I think the cat was the brains though the dog just helped get rid of the evidence.   

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #247 on: February 11, 2013, 13:24:22 PM »
Chuckles is well and truely home  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #246 on: February 11, 2013, 09:02:05 AM »
I wouldn't worry Sue, you haven't dissuaded me.

One thing that has put me off was lastnights - lets play with that screwed up paper bag in the bedroom at 1am!  Crashing around in the dead of night.  Had to take it off her at about 1:15am which didn't go down too well as she left the bedroom in disgust.  She must have calmed down as she was on the bed this morning when I woke up :)

Friday night aswell, this was the first time she went for my food!  I've seen her eyeing it up before but Friday night was the first time she's actually gone for it.  I turned round just in time to see a paw reaching for my pizza!  Can't blame the lass though, it was a Domino's Meltdown  :naughty:

Still, might get another....  :evillaugh:

Right, best get on with my work!

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #245 on: February 11, 2013, 07:17:04 AM »

Stevo, I hope I haven't dissuaded you - that wasn't my intention.  :hug:

Have a chat with the rescue people and see what they think.  Nothing can be 100% guaranteed, but worth investigating.  Another cat could be valuable company for both you and Chuckles.   :hug:

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #244 on: February 10, 2013, 17:34:50 PM »
I think you only kep Chuckles in if a new cat is very imminent as it will be easier for all but if its a while away then just get on with Chuckles  ;D

I think a chat with the rescue is a good idea..................but becareful of coming out with a full pocket  :shify:

Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #243 on: February 10, 2013, 16:58:09 PM »
I didn't manage to make it to the rescue today.  I'm a bit concerned about getting another and them not getting on now.  I used to keep fish and it was terrible when they were fighting, literally to the death.  Chuckles looks really settled now and I don't want to spoil it for her...  I was going to see how she got on with the neighborhood cats before getting another as there's load of them knocking about.  That's not going to be a possibility if I have to keep her in while I get another.   

I just don't know what to do.  The rescue probably would take the new cat back if they don't get on, but I'd feel awful.  I think its probably best like someone said to go and have a chat with them at the rescue and see what they think.

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #242 on: February 10, 2013, 16:40:42 PM »
speaking of personality assessments on cats, i think this looks quite nice :

apparently it has really reduced the amount of returned cats (and dogs).

i was also really lucky with mixing my two cats together. One very laid back resident cat, and one brand new one that came in an instantly owned the place.

Would chuckles be put off if you get a new cat already? maybe she had a friend at the shelter she got on with really well?

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #241 on: February 10, 2013, 14:25:57 PM »
I definately agree with Sue about not letting Chuckles out until you have the flap and if another kitty is coming, until after that.

Introductions need to be careful and thought out although some cats just seem to blend in almost at once, like Misa and Sasa. They met for the first time in the car in their respective carriers and have been friends right from the start.

However they didnt much like the birman brothers although Misa missed them loads when they left for Rainbow Bridge. Lupin is not their favourite cat cos he is too young and energetic and wants to pounce on Misa but Sasa has him well under control LOL

A cat close to Chuckles age is probably the best but again agree with Sue that hopefully the rescue will be able to help and maybe they would agree to taking the new cat back if it doesnt work out?

Loads of luck, very exciting  ;D ;D

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #240 on: February 10, 2013, 13:14:53 PM »
I think careful introductins are the key having said that sometimes I have opened the catbox in the familyroom and let them get on with it fortunately having fostered for years the majority of the Clan are well used to newcommers in fact the you don't live here boys Paisley and paton have now moved in permamantly they haven't been home in 2 months - Paton is in the house at nighgt but Paisley stays in the utility room his choice.

We also  have to say we have another waif and stray Miss Billie Jo who is aged 5 and black she came from a steading that had been sold as the new owners threatened to PTS she came here 4 days ago and is in the downstairs study with the door open she isn't feral at all a bit vocal but my youngsters carry on regardless and she is out in the open and met her Daddy by Skype yesterday ;D

I do however have a Feliway plugged in the downstairs study as I am off to Baku next week for a weeks holiday so not the best timing she is injected and speyed and just needs an ID Chip - fortunately another one hasn't phased the catsitter :rofl:
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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #239 on: February 10, 2013, 08:11:52 AM »

The age old question.......   :evillaugh:   I dont see why you cant integrate another cat into the household if you give some thought as to what character of cat would work well with Chuckles personality, now you've got to know her better.

I think the people where you got Chuckles from may be able to help you with this,  as they should hopefully have some insight into Chuckles character, how she was when she was among the presence of other cats in the rescue, and help to guide your instincts in that direction.  It's not foolproof, because cats are seldom at their best in a rescue situation, but it may give you useful pointers to bear in mind.

When we had Paddy, he was 4 when we introduced another cat, in the form of an 8 week old kitten from a litter my stepdaughter's cat had.  Paddy was devastated.  He began to stay out more and more and wouldnt come in unless he could avoid Flynn. 

That was a huge shame, as Flynn adored Paddy and just wanted to hang round and spend time with him.  Over time Paddy grew to tolerate Flynn, and they would share a bed together and were companionable enough, but when Flynn disappeared whilst we were devastated, Paddy was undoubtedly happier.

Paddy felt obliged to "compete" when Flynn appeared.  Flynn was a great mouser.  Paddy wasn't bad, but where Paddy would catch one, Flynn would catch two - not in a supreme display of "one upmanship" - far from it.  It was one for each of them - it was just Flynn's way - he was a happy and loving cat and he wanted to share that love with his big brother.   :wow:  :Luv:

Paddy didn't see it like that.  He saw it as "added pressure" - a slur on his abilities.  He grew anxious and introverted.  He looked (and I guess felt) hunted. 

When Flynn was lost, Paddy reverted to his previous  position of "relaxed cat" and so we never replaced Flynn.  Paddy remained an only cat until he died because that was what worked best for him. 

However, many people integrate other cats very successfully, and Ross (our gorgeous golden boy) has befriended our neighbours young cat (about a month and a half younger than Ross) who spends a large amount of his time dossing at our house, so I guess Ross is a more sociable cat, although I also think Dickie's character works with Ross's own, so they rub along well together.  The again, Ross was used to a multi-cat and multi-dog household, so it probably seems a bit lonely to him to have only us humans for company.  He would've loved our dog.  :)

Personl experience suggests to me the various character traits are really important when trying to choose cats that have a greater likelihood of rubbing along well together, and it's a philosophy that I found endorsed in an American site called The Way of Cats.  I particularly liked the following, which I think was really well observed:

Having said all of that, as Liz and Rosella, JS, Angie and many others here can testify, when a cat happens to turn up out of the blue, sent by the Great Celestial Cat Agency, in need, or sick or whatever, they've often been just as easily absorbed into an existing cat family without too much difficulty. 

I'd see what happens when you "go for a look."   ;) :)

One more thing I would say is that it might be worth while considering if you're going to get a flap put in and allow Chuckles access outside, getting another cat may be best done before you start letting Chuckles out, so they have time to get to know each other to minimise the risk of Chuckles staying out in a sulk.    Also it could be tricky trying to allow one cat access and not the other (unless you get a microchip flap of course, as then you could have Chuckle's chip entered into the flap's memory, but not your second cat until you were ready for them both to go out together).

I suspect your surname now will be "Smitt."  :evillaugh: :hug:

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #238 on: February 09, 2013, 22:22:30 PM »
OK, fair enough on the cat flap.  Yeah, I'll deffo get one of them chipped jobbies.  As for that gps collar that looks awesome...  (you recon the company that makes them has an SDK for them (software development kit)  I'm a software developer by trade) could write my own cat tracking software !!

Now... to put it blunt, should I get another?!?!?..... We've totally got the room, and the finances for another lost soul. 

Just dont want to bite off more than I can chew, but the last 6 weeks have been awesome.

Chuckles has really stolen my heart.  LOL, shes looking at the tele at the mo, that Felix advert has just been on and her tail looks like Basil Brush!!  Thought that meant they were scared!?!?

Its not stopped her stalking that screwed up bit of paper!! hehe

mmmmm, might go and have a drive up to Bleak Holt tomorrow for "a look" ....

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #237 on: February 09, 2013, 16:44:36 PM »
I agree with Sheila about a microchip flap Stevo - we never had any unwelcome cat visitors while we had our dog but after she died we've been plagued. Have now got a microchip flap waiting to be fitted in a new door and would highly recommend.

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #236 on: February 09, 2013, 14:53:37 PM »
Does Chuckles have a collar, Stevo?  If she does, I can heartily recommend a loc8tor pet 

Admittedly they don't have the greatest range, but it does give an awful lot of peace of mind that if they decide to wander, you can walk the neighbourhood with the hand held unit until you can home in on them.  Mine don't wear them dangling like the cat in the photo on the website (they used to, but they used to keep catching it when they scratched and pulled the collar off).  Mine both now have them with the waterproof collar attachment, it doesn't bother them at all, they haven't pulled them off and it reduces my anxiety a lot!
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 14:55:28 PM by fluffybunny »


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