Author Topic: Need advice on kitten purchase.  (Read 90249 times)

Offline Sootyca

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #155 on: January 12, 2013, 09:19:48 AM »

She seems totally clueless about doors.  The ex's kittens had them sussed out in no time, they would even push the front room door open if one of the other kittens were trapped in the kitchen to let them in, have a go at opening them themselves etc.  Chuckles seems to have no idea about them, well that's the impression I get anyway.

That's what she wants you to think!  Why should she waste energy and demean herself by opening a door when she has staff to do it.  Both of mine have the "clueless" look at doors until there either no-one around to open them or no-one will get up then they can magically manage to get through them.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 09:20:36 AM by Sootyca »

Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #154 on: January 12, 2013, 08:31:11 AM »
So what time is playtime? 4am? 4.30?  :evillaugh:
5.24am to be precise  :tired: >:(  :Luv: I can help but notice that one of the toys I got her is now in my bedroom, must have been what all that racket was a couple of hours ago  :evillaugh:

obviously has had a home before
Yeah I think so too, the only thing that makes me think otherwise is she seems totally clueless about doors.  The ex's kittens had them sussed out in no time, they would even push the front room door open if one of the other kittens were trapped in the kitchen to let them in, have a go at opening them themselves etc.  Chuckles seems to have no idea about them, well that's the impression I get anyway.

Suppose I'd best get out of bed and see what she's up to  :shify:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #153 on: January 12, 2013, 07:58:22 AM »

Ah - the one I was waiting for......    :evillaugh:  Priceless.  :hug:

Offline Greenlaner

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #152 on: January 12, 2013, 02:42:28 AM »
  :hug:   Cats soon start giving their new owners their orders. They like to keep folk busy while they relax.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #151 on: January 12, 2013, 01:34:38 AM »
She is wonderful and obviously has had a home before. She knows all the right things to do and she is going to be your friend boss for life  ;D ;D

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #150 on: January 11, 2013, 23:06:16 PM »
got that hair remover yet? or do you plan to invest in black sheets? :evillaugh:

but really it's so unusual how quickly she's made herself at home - you are so lucky - and so of course is she
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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #149 on: January 11, 2013, 22:52:51 PM »
Aww bless her, she is adorable and I think its lovely that you have found each other - a perfect match  :Luv2:  :Luv2:  :Luv2:
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Offline Sootyca

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #148 on: January 11, 2013, 22:47:05 PM »
 :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:

She's fab!  Can't believe she is so at home and it has been less than 48 hours!

Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #147 on: January 11, 2013, 21:59:42 PM »

Offline Sootyca

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #146 on: January 11, 2013, 21:34:18 PM »
She's definitely made herself at home - certainly knows when she's onto a good thing :)

Is tonight the night she will make it onto your bed? :)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #145 on: January 11, 2013, 18:59:51 PM »
I can see that Chuckles has put you in your place and you have understood ..........nowhere to put your feet  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I think all cat food looks cheap lol and smells terrible.

You will gain a supermarket shelf of now unliked food that she will probably go back to in a year  :evillaugh:

Mine eat Pro-Plan salmon biscuits, they hate the chicken ones, its the one up from Purina One which they used to have. The wet food is Gourmet or Sheba and they wont eat anything else at present.

On my supermarket shelf I have Felix, Hi-Life, Tesco own brand chicken in jelly from Lupins bad tum days and Hill GI food from the same...........sigh, oh and some applaws tuna which isnt liked much.

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #144 on: January 11, 2013, 18:57:33 PM »
Great updates, Stevo.  ;D

Just so pleased for both of you. My lot all eat James Wellbeloved dry food which is permanently on the buffet, and get whatever wet pouches are on offer, they really seem to like the variety.

Most on-line pet suppliers deliver - Pets at Home and Zooplus are my faves, they also sell "ordinary" cat food.

Litter? I have just swapped to using Chick Crumb from Pets At Home (PaH) which is biodegradable, flushable and 60% cheaper than the branded equivalent Worlds Best Cat Litter. Check it out  ;) My girls love it.

Offline Jiji

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #143 on: January 11, 2013, 18:32:29 PM »
The dribbling may just have been a nervous response, but I would recommend you take her to the vet soon so you are registered with them. A cheap  grain free cat food you could try when she has settled more is the butcher choice cat food which is widely available although I think it still contains sugars. As with most cats she will probably switch and change what she will eat just to remind you who rules the roost, this usually happens when you have stocked up on their favourite :evillaugh:

Offline caledonia

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Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #142 on: January 11, 2013, 18:30:08 PM »

Likes chicken and likes lying around on the couch, yeah I think we'll get on fine  :Luv2:

Ha ha brilliant :-)
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Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #141 on: January 11, 2013, 17:46:12 PM »
The dribbling doesn't seem as bad today, not noticed it all afternoon.  She's eating fine and seems happy enough.  I'll see how she is over the weekend.

She's just on straight tins of Whiskers at the moment.  Think I'll leave her on that for a few weeks while everything settles down.

She's getting the hang of taking the chicken from my hand, waved a small piece at her before and she just looked at me.  I put it on the floor and she wolfed it up, the next piece I gave her she nearly took my hand off  ;D

Likes chicken and likes lying around on the couch, yeah I think we'll get on fine  :Luv2:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #140 on: January 11, 2013, 17:38:15 PM »

Its a testament to how at home she feels with you that she trusts you enough to lie in what is, for a cat, a pose they adopt only when they're very relaxed and comfortable.  :)

Showing their belly is an enormous sign of trust (although not often an invitation to rumple it vigorously or blow raspberries on it unless you have a very particular kind of cat, lightning reflexes and value your fingers/nose/eyes  :evillaugh:)   ;)

Offline Greenlaner

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #139 on: January 11, 2013, 17:28:55 PM »
Just seen the photo. My female cat was always stretched out like that . She was given a cover on the end of the settee  and she booked in all the time there. Was a favourite place.  My seven year old male cat tends to prefer his giant tartan dog basket.  :shify: :hug:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #138 on: January 11, 2013, 17:28:09 PM »
 :rofl: :rofl:  Oh what a fab photo!   :evillaugh:

Yep, gently does it with any change of diet, but some good suggestions there.   Ross likes Hi-Life, Gourmet and Applaws.  As an occasional treat, most cats like - chikkun  ;)  ham, and tuna but too much tuna isn't good for them.  Paddy used to love little bits of raw steak cut up into dainty morsels  :naughty:

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #137 on: January 11, 2013, 17:05:18 PM »
now that's one chilled out cat!  ;D

I would stick to whiskas for now if that's what she's used to but if you want to try something different zooplus sell loads of varieties (online retailer).  Whiskas is fine and it's a complete food but it does contain cereal so if you do want to change you might want to try her with something that doesn't contain cereals/soy/vegetable deriviatives etc (ie something that's just meat and added vits/minerals).  But I wouldn't rush into changing her food.

re the dribbling - is this when you are stroking her?  Mosi dribbles when he's being stroked then he shakes his head and splatters it all over (usually all over the laptop as he likes to sit on my lap when I'm using it).

Offline nickynoo93

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #136 on: January 11, 2013, 17:02:27 PM »
Its like she's known you all her life. She is very cute. I love her little white toes.   :Luv2:

Does she have wet or dry food or a mix of both?

Mine have a variety of dry, Purina One, Science Plan, Wellbeloved.

Its only really Wordy that has wet, he likes Gourmet. Or anything meat or cheese related that we are having!!

I'm with you on the litter tray smells, the 1st tray I emptied I nearly threw up. I was physically reaching!! You get used to it.


Offline Greenlaner

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #135 on: January 11, 2013, 16:58:06 PM »
 :hug:  They do tend to take over settees, beds, chairs etc. They are trying to make themselves at home. Give her another seven years and she will be running the house totally :innocent: :shify:

Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #134 on: January 11, 2013, 16:18:28 PM »
She's taking over the settee   :innocent:

I've nowhere to put my feet now!!

How can anything sleep like that  :Crazy:

Can anyone recommend a decent food to feed her?  This whiskers stuff looks a bit... cheap.

Offline caledonia

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Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #133 on: January 11, 2013, 15:04:25 PM »
Ah brilliant she is settling in so well... That's great your both snoozing on couch only a day in :-)
Love from Rachael & fur babies Nina & Rio

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Offline jezebel

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #132 on: January 11, 2013, 13:39:58 PM »
Well.  The litter tray is being used...  My god, its going to take a while getting used to cleaning that

I totally understand!

Ours is in the bathroom, next to the toilet, it makes it a little easier when mucking out the solids! (Woodchip is biodegradable so can be flushed - although, obviously, not lots of it!)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #131 on: January 11, 2013, 13:27:50 PM »

Oh Liz - from Spike to Miss Sparkle in 6 months  :evillaugh:

Stevo, was going to say that about the litter tray too.   :)  But you'll get to the point where you don't think twice about cleaning the tray anyway - really, you will.   ;)

We used to make a game of it with Ross when he was little, and we'd praise him for using it, and call him a clever little Mr Stinky.  He wasn't very savvy about the tray - he knew what to do, but he would scrape away the litter, poop and then stand in it whilst he covered over nothing in particular.  :rofl:  Then as he got older, he would pat the poo into the littter.   :-: :doh:  But now, at the grand old age of 10 and a half months he knows exactly what to do, gets on with it and needs no assistance.  But he does like to watch us clean the tray so he can make sure it's all been done nice and tidy like.  :)  Standards, you know?

Am so pleased you have a companion who likes her snoozes with her Dad on the settee.  Exactly what you wanted.  ;D  I have to say, she's got a beautifully shiny coat in those photos.  :Luv:

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #130 on: January 11, 2013, 13:10:14 PM »
So glad she is settling in well and seems to have you trained already - snoozing on the couch :rofl:

The Smell maybe the food she has been on am sure if you are weaning her off the junk food it will settle over time

She is a gorgeous tuxedo lady - we only have 2 of them at the Clan cats Miss Peanut missing half her tail after an incident in a snare and Miss Sparkle feral who was known as Spike for the first 6 months of her life as we never got that close till neutering day :shocked: :rofl:
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Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #129 on: January 11, 2013, 12:51:21 PM »
Well.  The litter tray is being used...  My god, its going to take a while getting used to cleaning that  :shocked: :sick: :shocked:

Hope you manage to get the central heating fixed before the cold snap arrives!
Lol, its not broke.  Its just I have it set on a timer and I'm too bone idle to go turn it on if I'm in and its not time to come on.  I just sit there in the cold until it turns itself on.  Had a feeling it would be an early morning today though so I left it on all night last night :)

I must say, she is more settled here than I am.  We've been snoozing on the settee together all morning.  She's really making herself at home.

I'm feeling the urge to buy her a present  :wow:

Offline jezebel

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #128 on: January 11, 2013, 11:40:12 AM »
From the photos, she looks in really good nick! Glad everything's going well.

Hope you manage to get the central heating fixed before the cold snap arrives!
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Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #127 on: January 11, 2013, 10:57:57 AM »
This is ace. Chuckles looks to be settling in very well. :)

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Offline nickynoo93

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #126 on: January 11, 2013, 10:14:41 AM »
All sounds good this morning. 2 of my 3 cats are dribblers, poppy more so. Yesterday i wad getting a proper soaking, purpurr dribbledribble. Lick flick etc....

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #125 on: January 11, 2013, 08:39:58 AM »

 :shify:  A definite ploy to get your attention.  Defo.   :Luv:  She sounds very cnfident with you, checking out her territory and snuggling up with her new Dad to watch TV.   ;D

I always think of the first vet check as a great opportunity for other people to admire our babies and tell us how lucky we are for getting such a beautiful cat.  :wow:

Or how - erm "distinctive" our cat is (thinking of a few other cats on here who were not at first blush "in the pink" but the poor little souls had been through the mill and spat out the other side, so not surprising)

Given that our most recent acquisitions were both kittens, I hadn't a clue how to check for hernias or other kitten problems, so the vet check was a great relief (plus, I'd suspected Ross had ear mites - he did - and we were able to get prompt treatment for him)

Offline girlinleeds

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #124 on: January 11, 2013, 08:28:51 AM »
Shes lovely, hope you make each other very happy x

Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #123 on: January 11, 2013, 08:27:38 AM »

First night went ok, got up to go to the toilet about 6am and as I walked across the landing I heard Chuckles jump off the windowsill in the spare room and she started meowing, I had to pop in and check on her  :)  After a quick stroke I went back to bed, half and hour later she let out this shreak, you know like they do.  Thinking something might have happened I went to check, as I walked in she jumped off the window and came trotting over like nothing had happened.  Looked like a ploy to get me out of bed  :shify:

Anyway, seeing as I was up we went exploring the house.  Shes going from room to room checking the place out.  She stopped briefly before to have a lie down on the front room floor but has just taken off upstairs again.  Best go and see what she's up to, brb :) 

Think shes happier to be out the spare room.

Currently watching Storage Wars on the settee with me  ;D

I'll phone a vets later, see if I can get her looked at on Monday.  I doubt there's anything wrong though  :)

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #122 on: January 11, 2013, 08:06:08 AM »
Morning Stevo and Chuckles  ;D

So what time is playtime? 4am? 4.30?  :evillaugh:

Good idea to register her at your vet and get her a quick MOT. He'll be able to put your mind at rest about her dribbling, and advise you on her general health. The cost for a consultation is minimal in comparison to any and all concerns you may have initially, and, well, you're off work anyway.  :sneaky:

You get to practice putting Chuckles inna box too  :naughty:

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #121 on: January 11, 2013, 07:01:14 AM »

Morning Stevo.  How are you both today?  How did your first night together go?

We used to have a little black and white cat who liked to suck your jumper, and you'd be left with a big soggy felted patch.  :evillaugh:

If the dribbling is excessive then you could arrange a brief vet visit just to get her checked over (seeing as the rescue said she hadn't been vet checked) - it may put your mind at rest if the dribbling worries you.   :hug:

Offline caledonia

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Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #120 on: January 10, 2013, 23:35:44 PM »
I've got a dribbley cat - I've never been concerned. Whenever he shakes his head I get splattered as do the cushions, windows, tv and whatever else he is next to! I think it's just some cats thing lol!

That's brilliant chuckles has settled in so well... Just brilliant :-)
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Offline stevo

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #119 on: January 10, 2013, 22:50:31 PM »
The dribbling, well its not really dribbling.  More when she shakes her head.  Anyway I'll keep an eye on it over the weekend, I don't think its anything to worry about.  And it does seem to be when she's being stroked.

She was looking proper comfy on her bed before, hope she sleeps ok  :)

I hope you have many, many years of shared life and love together x  :Luv2:

Me too  ;D

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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #118 on: January 10, 2013, 22:44:19 PM »
I am so pleased for you Stevo. The tale of you and Chuckles has been heartwarming and I really think you have found your heartcat in her x
She is absolutely gorgeous and I hope you have many, many years of shared life and love together x  :Luv2:
Looking forward to more updates :)
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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #117 on: January 10, 2013, 22:29:05 PM »
OMG she's gorgeous and has definitely settled in by the looks of things.  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

I'm so pleased you have found each other ... sounds like a match made in heaven.
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Re: Need advice on kitten purchase.
« Reply #116 on: January 10, 2013, 22:26:56 PM »
Does the dribbling coincide with purring/being stroked/generally happy time?  That's pretty normal with some cats.  Almost as if they get so carried away with purring that they forget to swallow.  Noni dribbled all over FIL at New Year  :innocent:

Dribbling all the time on the other hand might point to possible dental problems.


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