I was wondering about perhaps drugging each set individually then vaccinating the whole family together and microchipping them while they're under, then I realised a drugged badger may well go underground and a little one might take too much and be harmed.
It's so difficult to know how best to introduce the vaccination, but if the farmers can pay contractors to kill 70% of the badgers, why don't they just arm them with tranqs instead. I'm sure if accompanied by enough trained volunteers to administer a vaccination and relocate the stunned animal to a safe enclosure until it comes round would be at least humane, and the treated badgers could be marked with a permanent fluorescent dye that shows up under night vision binoculars/sights.
How about introducing vaccination guns? You shoot a dart containing not doping agents but the actual vaccine? No? The dart could also contain a phial of UV gel that would be night-visible, so identifying those treated. Again, No?
Alright, maybe some Channel 5 science needs to be employed, but if the public were given the chance to exercise this sort of pilot in the same way the farmers have been granted their TEST licence to kill, I'm sure we could make a real difference.
I hope no-one gets hurt, but we all know someone will. We also know they will cover up any horrific cruel injuries they inflict (and only come across in the cold light of day) and how many other wild and domestic animals they maim and destroy.
Is there going to be (literally) a head count? Who is going to police this, and ensure they're not doing what the old ratcatchers of yesteryear were doing in falsifying numbers by re-using body parts to double their accounts. By doing this they would falsely inflate the numbers, get paid more, dupe the government into thinking there are far more badgers out there, and increase their chances of getting the bill passed as permanent law, and cement their contracts as pest controllers.
Sorry, but as an ex-auditor and fraud investigator I can see all sorts of loopholes here, none of which look good for the animals' welfare.
By the way, while I was writing this (actually pounding it out on the keyboard) someone has sent me a rainbow. I think it's Teresa