Hello Yasmin. You're the lady who does the most wonderful animal portraits, yes?

Am devastated to learn that you've been diagnosed with breast cancer.

If I may say so, you're approaching it in a very positive way.
AND - this has to be one of the most purrfect places to gain followers for your blog (which is wonderful by the way - and you look fabulous in the wig you chose

And our very own Alison (A Team thread - pop by if you can) has undergone breast cancer treatment and come through with great humour and attitude. She'll be one of the loudest to cheer you on, am sure. The A Team thread began when Alison too found herself in your position, and in need of a little support and encouragement through the not-so-good times.
She's great is Alison - very positive and very special, and you strike me to be cut from the same cloth - you'll grab this thing by the throat and whup it's bad little ass too.

You don't need to worry about having supporters - we'll be with you for as long as you want us.

In fact you may have to take out injunctions!

Also wanted to say - gosh - you're so pretty!

It's good to try the wig out for a few hours each day until you get used to it. A friend of mine who had a brain tumour used to use Fabreze to freshen her wig, and it was a doddle to look after - she had a similar style to yours, and it really suited her - again, because it wasn't so dissimilar to her own style and colour. Definitely ask about reclaiming the vat.

That £40 worth is "frivel" money for you to treat yourself to the occasional pamper session or some new make up/clothes - frivolous things to make you smile when you're feeling low or a bit sore. It's very important that. So is taking each day one at a time.

Ah - I see Gill is on the same wavelength and has already mentioned about Alison's A Team thread. great minds, and all that