Author Topic: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this  (Read 5159 times)

Offline tinyrosie

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2007, 12:58:46 PM »
its so good to know that other cats bite etc, and a lot of what you all have said about the chirruping makes sense.
rosie chirrups and rolls over if i have been out, looking for me to tickle her belly.  then its like she remembers i left her and all hell breaks loose.  jaws and claws!!!!
then she walks away looking really pleased with herself  >:( >:(
but i wouldnt swap her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wouldnt get up this morning when she chirruped so she bit my toes, then my hands, when that didnt work she opened the drawer at the side of my bed and pulled the stuff out  :evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh: the only time she touches these drawers is if i wont get out of bed!
thanks for the advice about rosie going outside.  i know it will be hard but she was an outdoor cat before she came here and wants to go.  so i will let her, and worry as soon as she goes out of sight.
im sure getting a cat was a good idea!!!!!

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #27 on: May 08, 2007, 21:31:04 PM »
lucifer chirrups at me when he sees me, when hes jumping up for a fuss, when he sees his toy snake on a stick, when i pick up a ball.....
he yapps at the laser pointer (no chirruping for that toy!!)
hes also started doing a weird noise, sort of like a chirrup but higher pitched and more whiney if that makes sense? thats for when im beng a silly human and playing with the computer when i should be devoting all my time to either playing with him or gazing adoringly at him.
then theres the various different meows (usually coupled together for optimum guilt inducing effect)
to be honest if hes awake hes "talking", whenever hes silent it means hes up to something... :shify: :shify: :shify:

hes also aggressive in the way some peeps have described- he doesnt use his claws and i dont think hes trying to hurt me- doesnt break the skin or owt- and he often licks the bit of me hes planing to bite (like he wants to make sure im clean first  :rofl: ) and its not linked to me fussing him or him confused in play but i do think its him trying to instigate play- he'll dash over, lick me and bite me, then run off (manically laughing no doubt!!)

wouldnt change him for the world tho  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #26 on: May 08, 2007, 20:19:24 PM »
Magnum chirrups whenever he's looking for me and when I answer him he comes running. Sebastian is just starting to do it too. Toffee is a pretty quiet cat he only meows when I'm doing the evening meal as its the 1 that gets the meat in. Harvey is just noisy all the time. I'm beginning to think he's got Siamese in him somewhere down the line as he is really talkative.

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #25 on: May 08, 2007, 15:36:30 PM »
My Kiki makes a funny little yapping noise when she is looking out of the window!

So funny, she is always yapping away to me or chirruping though!

Whereas Nina only talks when she's got an empty tummy!  :evillaugh:

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #24 on: May 08, 2007, 12:54:43 PM »
My two girls (Lola & Maisey) do this  :Luv: defo an affectionate thing!

One of my boys makes the weirdest "yapping" noise.....will have to record this as its soo weird!

Your little girl obviously loves you  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:

Offline ChrisB

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #23 on: May 08, 2007, 12:36:18 PM »
Rosie sounds so lovely - Chico was a chirruper and I am sure it is a greeting.   It definitely seems that Rosie want to be friends and considering she was treated badly it is probably very early days yet for her to trust anyone - you obviously love her and I'm sure she knows that and will calm down in time.   Look forward to seeing the pics.   
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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2007, 17:26:36 PM »
Sam is now an indoor/outdoor cat which is probably one of the reasons he is a lot calmer.  It is really odd, as when I adopted him they said he was an indoor cat.  I didnt mind if he wanted to stay inside but I could tell he wanted to go out so after 6 weeks or so I let him out. 

He did the meiowing thing walking round the garden and when he met other cats, to signal he was no threat etc which was sweet.  I know what you mean about worrying she will not come back though.  When the weather got warmer Sam went missing for about 36 hours and I was out of my mind thinking he had gone forever  :'(   Then he sauntered in as though he had been out for just 10 minutes.  He still goes wandering for a day at a time but I cant really stop him unless he is under house arrest! 

Sounds as though Rosie should be fine if she has been used to going out, I left the patio door open for Sam so he could run back in at any time if he felt scared by anything.

Offline Catnap

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2007, 10:54:38 AM »
My Willow is a chirruper too - otherwise she is practically silent.  You are definnitely right to keep the faith with your wee one - Willow was only 1 year old when she came to us and although never aggressive she had had a bad start in life too so was very fearful.  We had to move very slowly around her and never come near her with our feet or we wouldn't see her for dust - she had obviously been kicked previously.  I'd say it took nearly 6 months for her to really begin to trust us and now almost exactly a year after she adopted us she is the softest, cuddliest, most affectionate girl you could hope to meet.  Good luck with your wee one.

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2007, 09:53:02 AM »
It is very unnerving when they go out at first. I won't bore you with my stories from last year but it is terrifying at first when they disappear behind a hedge, bush or shed.  I think 10 weeks should be long enough though.  Just make quite sure you don't feed her before she goes out so she needs to come home for her grub and stay outside with her at first with a favourite toy to play with her. Some people suggest  a harness but, as Rosie seems to be like our Billy Whiz, I think that will be a non starter  :rofl:

Offline tinyrosie

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2007, 00:47:32 AM »
Hi debbie,
the aggression sounds like rosie, its so gud to know that this can be normal behaviour.  i did take some pics but couldnt load them on, my OH says he will take some and do it for me so hopefully i should have some on in the week. 
has your baby settled into being an indoor cat, rosie was used to going out before we got her, she is now ready to go out and both the centre and the vet said i should let her as this is what she knows but i am so worried.  she does jump at the window and cry and i dont want to be cruel to her.  i did go out with her once and she jumped over the fence i was so worried that when she came back i have not let her out since.  i feel cruel though!

Offline Debbie

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2007, 00:39:45 AM »
Ahhh Rosie sounds adorable  :Luv:

Sam scratched and bit me when I first got him but I think it was a combination of attention seeking and getting rid of his pent up energy as he was kept indoors initially.  He used to really confuse me as he would really bite and scratch me for no reason, drawing blood yet when I left the room he used to follow and sit at my feet in whichever room I went. 

I have had him for just over 5 months now and he has calmed right down.  He has started to roll on his back a lot so that I can tickle his tummy and he purrs like a motor engine, its really nice  :)  He doesnt chirrup but we have great conversations with his mieows... :innocent:

Have you a pic of her yet?

Offline tinyrosie

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2007, 00:29:22 AM »
its so wonerful to hear that there are cats out there like my baby.  i envy my friends who have cats that will be loved etc, but i wouldnt swap rosie.  thanks hippykitty that makes sense of what she does and gives me hope that she will learn to understand that i wont hurt her. and gill she is like sasa and even though she shows a side that she dosnt need me i really believe she does. its good to know of other people whos cats dont want them to touch but want them near etc.  im just going to go up now and she is asleep at the side of me but i know she will follow.  i love this site and have told a few of my friends who love their babies.  good to know i am not alone with my jaws and claws baby.  cant tell you how good it is to hear her talk to me, even though she wont really let me near her, most of the people i know whose cats will be loved they are not as vocal as rosie. althoug at 5am when it starts im not sure im a fan, rosie is enjoying it though  :evillaugh: and if i dont take her on she has learned how to open my underwear drawer and she slowly takes everything out while making little noises.  when i look at her to tell her off im sure she is laughing  :rofl: ha ha! ive woken my mummy up  :rofl:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2007, 00:10:48 AM »
Kocka used to chirrup and trill, it was wonderful just like she was singing.  ;D

Misa goes moi moi when he wants something and recently its sounds like me me me, I swear he is learning to talk. When I touch one of his tangles he goes ow ow ow, and I hardly got near  :rofl: :rofl:

Sasa just squeaks and is like Rosie, I cant touch her but she will come and squeak when she wants something.  ;D

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2007, 00:07:51 AM »
I think that this chirrupping is a good sign. When strange cats meet each other, but intend to be friendly, they do this chirrup just before they touch noses. It's a sign that they mean no harm and want to get to know you: a totally non-aggressive signal to another cat; or in this case, you.

This could mean that she wants to be friends with you, she means you no harm and wants no harm from you. Considering what you've said of her history, I'd say that this is a sign that, in time, the defensive aggression will stop and she'll learn that you don't hurt her.

What a lovely cat you've got.   ;D
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Offline tinyrosie

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2007, 00:00:33 AM »
Hiya RM, we have had rosie for about 10 weeks now, so not very long really in terms of what she has suffered and trust etc.  Billy Whiz sounds like rosie in the behaviour etc.  the centre made us sign a form saying we would take her back and not have her destroyed or give her away so i understand why they asked if we wanted to take her back.  but she is a lifetime commitment now.  the small rewards we get are enough, lets face it most people would never trust again if they where jurt the way some animals where hurt so small steps are a bonus.  she only seems to attack me, but then maybe she feels safe, and she lies next to me and looks for me so im sure it is that she feels she can do things and it will be ok.  when she bites if i move she flinches and blinks her eyes, waiting it seems for the punch or kick.  i will keep going until i gain her trust.  your right it is sad what some animals go through in their short lives.  i just dont understand why people get pets to hurt them...............still at least there are people who will care.  you little chap sounds a real little star

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2007, 23:50:28 PM »
Billy Whiz (age 3) chirrups (never miaows) when he wants attention, grooming or his back scratched. Whenever we walk anywhere near him he runs away unless we have his string to play with. He is a very, very wary little chap but makes it clear when he wants attention by either closing his eyes slowly or putting his tail straight up in the air, turning away from us and not running away. On the odd occasion, usually on the bed, he forgets himelf and falls on his back for a mega tummy rub making little chirruping noises. He is simply adoreable and all ours  :Luv:

Look forward to seeing a photo of Rosie. How long has she been with you? It took quite a long time before Billy would allow grooming but such a delight when it finally happened.  It is such a shame that some cats have such a bad start in life. It really knocks their confidence but, given time and the right new family, they always find a way of showing their love.

Sorry to hear you were in a car crash and very much hope the tiredness sorts itself out sooner rather than later :hug:

Congrats on the promotion to adult cat  ;D

Offline tinyrosie

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2007, 23:43:42 PM »
 :wow: :wow: :wow: ive just realised i have gone from a kitten to an adult cat, whey hay!!!

Offline tinyrosie

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2007, 23:40:53 PM »
hi i have read somewhere that somalis, and bengals do this.  rosie is a tabby she looks like the mascot this site has. except she is not a kitten.  when i woke up for the last time this morning,(as she wakes me from around 5am on) rosie was asleep on me, my OH said she really is beautiful, she must have been a stunning kitten.  makes it hard to understand why someone would want to hurt her and leave her for dead.  i understand why she bites and scratches me, she has just done it now!!, but somehow the noises she makes, make me think that she does want to be with us, and she came to us at the centre we where looking at another cat.  when they spoke to me to ask if she was ok and i told them about her aggression (she is awful at the vets), they said they would take her back (they thought she was a bit funny sometimes but wouldnt bite etc) but she is mine now and i love her so i will cope and keep trying with her.  but somehow these noises she makes when she sees me and the rolling onto her back make my heart melt.  she has been hurt yet she follows me around and chirrups when she sees me. i just love her

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2007, 23:30:24 PM »
Mosi's a chirruper.  Somalis are known for chirruping rather than meowing - it's very cute.

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2007, 23:21:26 PM »
I love it when cats chirrup  :Luv:  Little Holly does it all the time and I find it soooooo appealing  :Luv:  Sally does a lot of chirruping but only when she's looking out of the window and spies a bird  :evillaugh:  Mini Soot is another big chirruper and he can talk for England, but again, very appealing  :Luv:

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2007, 23:16:06 PM »
the noises my cats make sound like they r saying
and max makes a buzzing noise
like buzzzzbrrrrrrrr brrrrrr brrrrrrrrrerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

whenever i stroke makosi or flossy and say there name they meow bk and it sounds like they r saying mum  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2007, 23:14:08 PM »
Lexy chirrups all the time. I call it her little "trill", when she walks into the room to let us know she's there, when she's on her way and wants me know that she will be joining me soon. Or when she wants a toy.

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2007, 23:10:49 PM »
Parsley used to make some odd sounds as greetings (or to answer back!) and one of them probably sounded like the noise you mean. It's one of the (many) things I miss about her. She wasn't vocal unless she felt she was "in discussion" with you  though. :)

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Offline tinyrosie

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2007, 23:08:23 PM »
im glad someone elses cat does it, and i does seem to be when she sees me so saying hello fits.  rosie bites and scratches me a lot, but i know she must want to be around me as she follows me everywhere.  i was in a car crash a couple of weeks ago and seem to go very tired mid afternoon (a nightmare when i am working).  today being sunday i went back up to bed to read and relax, she came in made the noise and got on the bed at the side of me.  still making the noise.  she must be relaxed as she goes onto her back with her little paws in the air. its so cute  :) :)

Offline forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa)

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2007, 23:01:07 PM »
Foxy chirrups she does it whenever she comes into the room ... it's her way of saying hello :)

awwww :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: sweet  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2007, 22:57:33 PM »
Foxy chirrups she does it whenever she comes into the room ... it's her way of saying hello :)
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Offline forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa)

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Re: roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2007, 22:55:32 PM »
awwww bless her
id love to see a photo of her  :Luv:

my cats make some pretty weird noises but they dont chirrup
awww i bet it sounds sweet  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
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Offline tinyrosie

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roise chirrups, does anyone else's cat do this
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2007, 22:51:33 PM »
hi all rosie, my beautiful baby, chirrups all the time.  when i come in she does it and then rolls over onto her back.  if i go upstairs she follow and then makes the sound when she sees me.  she does it in the morning (at 5am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) when she comes looking for me.  she does it to my OH when he comes in.  if i go into another room and come back she does it.  if i talk to her she does it, its beautiful but i have never had a cat that does this.  rosie wont really let me near her, she came from a shelter (she is just over 2 yrs) and had been very badly treated,  but she seems to do this if she needs comfort or if she thinks i have left her and then she finds me.  she does meaow (usually for food) but this is so different. does anyone elses cat do this?   thanx sharon and tinyrosie    ps i will post some pics of her but for some reason my comp wont upload the pics


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