I know I've not posted in a while and its a little rude to rant but..
This weekend my mother in law is bringing her dog over for a week whilst they go on holiday. Its a jack russel type and likes to chase cats.
. I shouldn't complain she will come and check on the cats when we go on holiday in July. He's just boistourous and a lot of hard work. I do like walking him though on a morning. Gets me out of the house for a few hours BUT we have four cats.
Also feeling a little annoyed about the fact that we are paying for his castrating. This is kinda silly seeing as I was the one who offered to pay for it. I did pursuade her into doing it. He bit my mother-in-laws partner and they wanted to take the dog to the RSPCA so I offered to get him castrated first to see if he calms down - he is very boistourous. But I'm feeling a bit annoyed because Rusalka was supposed to get spayed the other week and we can't afford to do both so I've put the dog first. And it isn't even my dog.
I just felt like a moan. I don't mind really I suppose it's just it's a dog! and it chases cats! And it poos in the house! and its one whole week! and Rusalka and Orpheus Tosca and Carmen won't like it! lol