Author Topic: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!  (Read 7603 times)

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #35 on: March 31, 2012, 06:26:43 AM »
Most of the cats I've had have come to me as adults. Of those few who've been kittens, I'd say about 6mths, when they're young adults, is a good time to let them go out. I tend to have mine neutered early - at about 4 mths if the vet thinks they're big enough for the op, ie they've "dropped" if male and have enough body mass for the anaesthetic.

Generally, they're a bit timid when first exporing the outside world and stay close to home, coming home very quickly.

At this time of year cats are inclined to stay out longer. I tend to find that they gather round and stick to the house in winter. During the summer I hardly know I've got cats. As long as they turn up for meals, I know they're okay.
It helps if you feed your cat at the same times each day.
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Offline funkiechicken

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #34 on: March 31, 2012, 06:16:41 AM »
I let my first & 2nd cat out aged 8-9months and both passed the BANG test ( :shify: ) they were back within half hour, but just to sniff at the back door, establish they made it back and then off for another wander. I didnt however, let mine stay out all night until they were much older but that was mainly due to my own insecurities and worrying rather than thinking the cats mightnot come back  :rofl:
Nuggie (Cat #2) has always been a bit of a home-body but Tazi (Cat #1..sadly no longer here) was more adventurous. Peanut (Cat #3) is a rescue and came here at xmas aged about 1-2yrs. He's a night cat - but i worried more about him than my other two, because I "knew" my other 2 so well from baby kittens and i didnt know if Peanut was prepared...well i just didnt know anything about him really.

Good Luck if you decide to take the plunge  :Luv:
Cats are independent, don't listen, don't come in when you call, stay out all night and when they're home they like to be left alone to sleep....Every quality that Women HATE in a Man, they LOVE in a Cat...

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Offline funkiechicken

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #33 on: March 31, 2012, 06:06:06 AM »
Personally all mine have been/are outdoor cats with previously a catflap and now a ManServant (namely me  >:( ) to jump up and down to let one in, one out both in both out demands....

Like you with my first I was nervous wreck. Had the face of someone who had a gun pointed at her head and proceded to follow him garden to garden until i could capture him back into my care. This job is futile. Inevitabley Feline is aware you're stressing out and that you will sweep them back in as soon as possible, the know it will hinder their break for freedom and will make a break for it and not come home until their mission of having a good look around is complete (my lad has even leapt from bedroom windows) I find the "i'm watching you, but I'm pretending i dont care" method works well. It also makes them more likely to approach you outside if they arent whipped indoors everytime
I also (and i might get told off here  :shify: :shify:) but as they're walking out of the door (i am on the outside already "watching but not caring") i make one swift Bang. They run back in and you have your self a cat who knows where they feel safest (i only do this once lol)
But firstly Neutered and vaccinated. If you decide to keep her in after then all is good with that too but at least shes set for the outside should you want it.

Also, what I find is the cats generally stay close by once they have worked out their territory and mine sleep more hours than they're awake so actually spend quite a small percentage of time outside. But it is all personal preference  :) :)
Cats are independent, don't listen, don't come in when you call, stay out all night and when they're home they like to be left alone to sleep....Every quality that Women HATE in a Man, they LOVE in a Cat...

Nuggie (31.08.2002)
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Offline DenProject

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #32 on: March 30, 2012, 17:10:06 PM »
When she escaped, she never left our eye because we were trying to get her back in! So, shes not pregnant. Shes booked for her spaying and already had her vaccinations. We have a garden round the side which is accessible from the back garden which leads onto the road, so it would be hard stopping her from venturing round to the road even if we never let her out of the front door.

Thanks for your advice. What age did you start to let your cats out? How long was it before they first came home?


Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #31 on: March 30, 2012, 13:55:38 PM »
Personally I prefer to let my cats have indoor/outdoor access through a catflap. (I'm saying this even though one of my six has been AWOL for 3 days, but at the moment, I'm not overly worried).

However, before you allow your cat to go out, please buy yourself a decent book about cat care. If your cat went out recently, she coult already be pregnant. My advice would be to tell the vet to continue with the spaying even if she's in the early stages of pregnancy, but I'm pragmatic about this: it's hard to home kittens.

Before you let her out:

Get her spayed.
Have her vaccinations done.
Get her microchipped and put a snap-free collar on her.
Teach her to run to you when you call her. You do this by sitting next to her, stroking her while softly saying her name over and over. Also, when she's hungry, rattle some munchies (dry cat food) while calling her, when she comes to you, give her a few munchies. After you've done this over a week or so, start standing by her dish, call her name, but don't rattle the munchies. Give her a few munchies when she turns up.  Soon she'll just answer to the sound of her name being called. (Pavlov did the same trick with dogs and bells!  ;) )  Then you'll have some reassurance that when you let her out she'll run home at the sound of her name. Don't chase her though, she'll run away.

Cats don't head for the hills when you let them out, they hang around where they know food, shelter and affection are. They'll only go missing if they are frightened away, run over, or drawn by other attractions (unneutered toms looking for 'love'; or neighbours who feed them food they prefer).

You need to be realistic about the risk of the roads. If you have a garden which allows easy access to the road, such as a semi or detatched, then your cat would be more likely to venture there than if you have a terraced house which provides a definite distinction between front and back. Always give your cat hell if she follows you to the front door.  >:(

Whether you decide to let her out or keep her in, please learn more about cat care. Indoor cats are still at risk of fleas, enteritis, flu, FLV, FIV and getting pregnant. A determined female in heat will get out and get herself a bellyful of kittens  :evillaugh:
Unmated heats lead to ovarian cancer.

If she were my cat, I'd let her out. A lifetime of litter trays!  :Nooooo:

BTW I think Victoria, the AWOL cat is visiting neighbours.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 14:01:11 PM by Hippykitty »
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Offline Dawn F

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2012, 15:12:50 PM »
being unspayed with make her desperate to get out, she wants to mate and she'll do anything to get out and do it! once spayed she will chill out a lot and you might find she isn't interested at all!  all of mine have access to a catproofed garden but some days one or two don't venture out at all

Offline DenProject

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #29 on: March 29, 2012, 14:52:21 PM »
Yeah well we bought a large 6 foot cat tree which is in the dining room which she loves. Shes always up and down it and likes to sleep on the top platform away from the kids during the day. That brings me onto another point, the kids keep her entertained as you would imagine, and me and Laura are always giving her attention. She sleeps in our bedroom under the bed on a night and sometimes comes inbetween us for a cuddle as she likes the attention so ultimately there is no shortage of human interaction. Oh, and she has an abundance of toys, although she prefers our stuff, bottle tops, little things that make a noise on the hardwood floor like lego bits etc. We give her cat treats almost daily.

I've heard that after she has been spayed, her urge to go outside will drop. Is this true? If so, given our surroundings and her not really being fussed to go outside we will more than likely keep her as a house cat. If she still tries to get out as often as she is now, we will have to consider letting her out.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 14:57:14 PM by DenProject »

Offline maryas

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2012, 23:24:30 PM »
 :welcome: to Purrs.  So sorry you lost 2 so close together, heartbreaking at any time.  Look forward to seeing pics of your new puddy cats.

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Offline MaryFM

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2012, 23:05:16 PM »

My previous two cats were house cats one passed away last August at the age of 20 and her sister the year before. I agree that if you decide to have indoor cats you have to make the effort to entertain them, have climbing trees etc., and I never went away from home from more than one night at a time when I stayed overnight at my daughters' at Christmas. My girls had no behavoural problems with being inside, didn't want for a thing and I gave them 100% committment.

Although I live in a residential cul de sac, neighbours cat's have been killed by residents coming in too fast, a times a lot of cats in the surround area go missing and you see the notices pinned onto lamposts and as I know most cats in our area these missing ones just vanish into thin air.

I would love to live in a traffic free area but it is just not possible, and I know the ones I have now if they got outside I wouldn't catch they as they are quite nervous.

Offline maryas

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2012, 22:45:26 PM »
Toys, Dreamies?????  Sorrry no experience of this.

Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline DenProject

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2012, 18:29:05 PM »
Another thing guys, shes just came into heat for the first time bless her. Is there anything we can do to maybe take her mind off it as shes calling loads and it sounds quite distressing. On a lighter note, I think she fancies Lewis, our youngest son!!

Offline DenProject

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2012, 17:53:08 PM »
Yeah shes been booked into the PDSA for her pre check to see if shes healthy before the op.  :scared:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2012, 20:36:14 PM »
I think Lupin is like Mosi.........sigh

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2012, 20:25:16 PM »
I think although they don't have any more road sense they are a bit calmer as they get older. They do seem to be a bit more sensible now they are coming up for a year old.

I think that is true in general - as they get older they have less of that kitten exuberance.  But there are always exceptions.  Mosi is 6 and showing no sign of being either sensible or calm  ;D

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2012, 19:59:45 PM »
The rescue place I got mine recommend I didn't let my cats out till they were a bit older. I have a road at the front of the house although it's not too busy.

I think although they don't have any more road sense they are a bit calmer as they get older. They do seem to be a bit more sensible now they are coming up for a year old.   

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2012, 19:44:44 PM »
Has she been booked in, the little madam? :)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2012, 18:24:01 PM »
Hope her op goes well  :hug: :hug:

Yes I agree that if they are older they have no more roasd sense than a kitten cos only experience teaches them and that often can be fatal.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2012, 14:42:02 PM »
As she's 9 months and unspayed, I'd say she's definitely coming into season.  Watch out for flocks of tom cats paying a visit!

Offline DenProject

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2012, 13:54:01 PM »
Iv actually just had a read on a different website and it very much seems she is coming into heat. Licking of areas, meowing, unusually more effectionate. If anything, spaying is a good idea to stop her calling!! Anyway, thanks again and I will let you guys know how we get on...

Offline DenProject

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2012, 13:49:17 PM »
Well she is meowing all the time now! This is our first cat and dont really know about behaviour of cats and when their in season and the like. So you think she may be coming into season? She is usually a very quiet cat and never meows. Just started today. I dunno whether its because shes had a taste of being outside of the house or whatever else?

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2012, 13:24:51 PM »
If she is meowing that much she may be coming into season in which case she will do her best to get out so watch her carefully! It's that time of the year! I'd keep her in till after her op and recovery. She will likely be more of a home cat then too.
I wonder what everyone thinks  on this - do you think if you leave cats till they are older before they are let out they have less ' street sense and traffic sense'? I can't really see it would make a big difference myself.
Callie and Monty don't get out except in an enclosed courtyard but they do want out in the woods and we are hesitant as they are very 'clumsy' cats and may well get stuck in trees and such like. Or do they just learn as they go?
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Offline DenProject

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2012, 13:05:32 PM »
Yeah we decided to buy a harness for her yesterday and we walked her about the garden which she seemed to like, after getting used to being in the harness. She is not yet neutered but will be getting done this week. As i type this now she is meowing, presumably to go out! Iv never heard her meow so much.

I think were going to take her for little walks in the garden to try to get her used to it and make her know she will be ok. Then were gonna eventually let her off the lead and see what happens. She knows the sound of her treats so hopefully that will help if we first let her out when shes hungry.

So thanks for your help and I will let you guys know how we get on!!

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2012, 10:36:55 AM »
If your garden is too large to put up catproof fencing, is it possible to fence off part of it so that they can go into part of the garden but not able to climb over the fence?  Or adapt whatever fencing you have so that it may not be catproof but deters her from getting out?  What about taking her out on a harness?

My cats are both indoor cats - just not practical to let them out given where I live and their temperaments - but cats do like being outside if it's possible.  You will have to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of all the options - totally indoors, indoors mainly but with some access to the garden,  free access outdoors - and make a decision based on that.  No cat is totally safe outdoors but you have to decide whether the particular risks for your cat are worth taking.   Where I live is very near a main road (and near a bend in the road too) and there are cats in neighbouring flats that go outside and seem to just potter around by the flats and the park.  Their owners slaves have clearly made the decision that the risk of the road is worth taking to give them the pleasure of the outdoors.  I have decided the risk is not worth taking for my boys and I really can't imagine either of them having an ounce of road sense.

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2012, 10:15:27 AM »
cats can be happy as indoor cats but they can need more attention to stop them getting bored and they do tend to have more behavourial problems than outdoor cats and as you have a good garden it would be a shame if she couldn't enjoy it.

Could you try and get her used to wearing a harness indoors? then you could walk her on a lead the first few times you let her out to be sure she knows her territory.  cats tend to go out and follow set 'rounds' if you walk her round you can (hopefully) determine a little bit where she will go in future. If you are sitting in the garden when she is exploring she will probably go off and then keep coming back to you. Its probably also best to not to panic and try and catch her as she may then try and avoid you outside as you are potential nusiance if shes on a butterfly trail :)

..and yes the shake of a dreamie pack always has mine heading at 100 mph towards the door  :) 
especially if you make sure shes hungry when you let her out.

good luck!
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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2012, 23:25:57 PM »
Hi  :welcome: to Purrs

Did I miss the answer when Gill asked if she is neutered?  :shy:   Obviously you don't want her getting pregnant.

We risk it with outdoor access for our furries.  Altho our road is not as busy as yours, we have lost a cat to the road.  Thankfully only once in 22 years living here.  One too many though  :(

Do you have a cat flap?   

The first time we let any cat outside (after they are neutered), we make sure they are hungry, engage them in play with a Da Bird or Mousey (see the Purrs Shop) and leave the back door open so they can shoot back in if they want.  It also helps if they are "trained" to coming running when we shake the Dreamies pack  ;)

Good luck with whatever you decide  :hug:

Offline maryas

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2012, 22:29:19 PM »
  :welcome: to Purrs.

Personally I would say keep your cat in or cat proof a part of your garden or a cat run as Gillian sugessted.  You can also get gian sized cages for the garden.

I say this because my Smudge went missing Sept. 2007 and she was never away from the house for more than a hour and she must have been picked up or got in a car/van as she was eventually spotted about 25 miles away from me in April 2008 but unfortunately was killed on the country roads shortly after and I brought her dead body home.

However, my first cat lived to be 26 years old and she was an outdoor cat.

You alone can only make this difficult decision but I hope we've helped a little.

Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2012, 22:10:52 PM »
If it was her first time going out then I'm not really surprised she wanted to explore and didnt want to be caught! A whole new world suddenly opened up to her and she wanted to make the most of it  :) If the road is a concern and you can't catproof the garden, maybe a large cat run instead? attached to the house with cat flap access whenever she wants?  Its a bit of a compromise, but as long as you make it as interesting as possible for her it can work.

My persians all go out - I'm lucky though,  I live in a cul de sac, away from any busy roads and mine tend to stay in the garden anyway  :)

Offline DenProject

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2012, 17:35:23 PM »
Hi guys, thanks for reading and showing concern, we have had her since she left her parent as a kitten so before the escape she has never been out. When she did escape, it was only into the side garden (from there she can get over the wall to the road) and we caught her after minutes so she didnt go far (it was hard to catch her though, she didnt want to be caught and it took two of us to eventually grab her).

The road is a 30mph road, but is fairly constant with traffic during busy periods, and 2 or 3 cars (at a guess) go by every minute outside busy times. There is a bus every 20 mins during the day in each direction.

We see a handful of cats out the back on our shed and up the trees (which are at the end of four gardens and i suppose nicely placed for cats to play, and is where we would hope Mitsy would go if she were to be let out) and iv seen cats crossing the road out front when its not so busy as im waiting for a bus.

It would be really hard to cat-proof the garden due to its size and landscape so i think this really isnt a viable option.

I think that answers your questions!!

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2012, 15:36:02 PM »
We rehomed two indoor cats but we let them out in the garden when we're there - I couldn't bear to keep them indoors in the summer when we're outside enjoying the sunshine!

We've cat proofed the garden as much as possible, it's not ideal and I do worry they might go over the fence (one did a couple of times - hence the cat proofing!) because there's a busy road at the front of the house. But I'd rather deal with a bit of stress and have them enjoy the garden - they're so much happier!
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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2012, 12:18:42 PM »
I agree its personal opinion and your environment. How long was she out for before she came back home? I think any cat you try to catch is going to run away from you  :evillaugh:

We let ours out when they were neutered, but it took a while before they ventured further than the back garden as we have high fences.

How busy is the road? do other cat owners around you let theirs out?

The only thing with being indoors will be making sure she still gets plenty exercise and doesn't get bored
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Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2012, 09:12:06 AM »
This is really down to personal opinion. :) Noone can assess how safe the area is for your cat as well as you. You know her and the area.

Is there any way to cat proof your garden if you're concerned about safety?

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2012, 21:35:26 PM »
Three of our four cats all go outside the fourth one (Rusalka) is not spayed yet so I havn't let her. I am a little concerned about there being a busy road at the front of your house.

A lot of pedigree cats are indoor cats and I'm sure they are very happy being that way. Kind of like what you never had you never miss. How long have you had her? Could the previous owners have let her out? If so she may be used to going out and it would be cruel to keep her in. You really shouldn't let her out though until she is spayed and innoculated. Also flead and wormed!

I've had the experience of owning a cat who used to go out for days on end his name was Caspian. At first I used to worry but then I just had to accept this is the way he is so he'd be gone Monday and walk back in like he owned the place a few days later. I remeber once he did go for five days and I couldn't sleep. I coulnd't keep him in though it would have been cruel. It might just be that you have a wanderer and I don't think it is unusual with cats for the odd to be that way.

Lucky Orpheus, Carmen and Tosca (the three of ours that do go outside) don't go far and are often waiting on the doorstep for us when we get home. Carmen can be a bit of a rebel and can stroll back in in the morning looking all sweet and innocent but I know she only occosionly stops out when it's warm and the local tabby is in the garden  ;D
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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2012, 16:19:49 PM »
If it's any help I lived in a flat when I first got my cat and she was seven by time we had a garden. In that time she was really healthy, never seemed to worry about being outside that much and whilst she had a wander in the garden she was never that fussed about it. The vet always said how healthy she was.

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Re: Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2012, 15:36:41 PM »
This is a very difficult one.
You dont say how long you have had her but am assuming about 6 months?

You have to make decision whether she will be safe if you let her out and assume she is neutered? If not neutere she should not be ging out until she is.

Whats her name?

You say she has escaped a couple of times...............where did she go?

It soumnds like she wants to be an outdoor cat and if so you will need a flap so she can get back in.Cat proofing your garden would be the safest way.

Best time to try her outside is before meals and if she like treats teach her that by rattling the box she will get some, so this can be used to call her.

I have an 18 month birman who loves going outside, knows no fear and my garden too big to cat proof and its not safe for him. I have bought him a walking jacket so he goes out in the garden in his jacket and a lead but do have to say he loves it so much its constant hassle and I get dragged around the gaeden over and over on a lead LOL.

I am sure others will give other ideas.

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Should I let my cat outside? Please help!
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2012, 13:54:45 PM »
Hi all. We have a 9 month old cat. We want to let her outside in the summer but dont know if we should. She has escaped a couple of times and its been difficult trying to catch her. This is our first ever cat.

This has been bugging me because iv read on other forums that cats generally will come back in after a short amount of time if being let out for the first time. She just wanted to get away and ran away from us as we tried to catch her. At no time did she look like she wanted to head back to the door she left the house from.

She is a very loving cat and we give her so much attention and she loves our company. We have a decent sized garden which is why we want her to go out as we feel this is the perfect setting for her. Our back garden backs on to other back gardens so there is no roads but at the front of our house is a busy road.

How could we approach letting her out? Does what iv described sound like she wont want to come back? Should we wait til shes older? Is there a way we could encourage her to stay out the back and not wander out the front?

If we kept her as a house cat, she will see us outside in the summer. Will this upset her? Also, will she have as good a life if she stays inside?

Please could you give us some answers or tips? Maybe you have had a similar experience and could tell us how you went about this problem.

Thank you!


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