So i'm absolutely delighted to be able to say that at about 1pm today he finally came down

I was at work by that time but my mum said she was in the kitchen and when she turned around he was stood by the back door having a wash like nothing had happened. He went to sleep after that for a few hours, woke up and ate twice as much as he'd normally have for dinner, then went back to sleep again. He went out for an hour or so but didn't leave our garden (we don't have any trees luckily!).
He doesn't appear to be injured at all but he looks a bit a couple of the whiskery things above his eyes (are they called whiskers too??) seem a bit out of place and his legs look a bit dirty.
What i'd say to anyone else in this situation is don't underestimate their ability to find a way out of it themselves. It's absolutely horrible listening to them yowling but give them time and chances are they'll find a way down. It's easy saying that now though, I think i'd have gone demented if he spent a second night up there!!
...and now for some photos

Here's a photo of the tree, you prob can't really see it but the red circle is where he was at the time

...and here's a couple of post-rescue photos!

Thanks for all the responses, i'm so happy!! so relieved, and i'm going to sleep so well tonight