Nice idea Sheila
- but we don't have a rescue centre as such - all our cats are fostered either in the fosterer's own home, or in cattery pens in our gardens, spread around North Wiltshire - so I wouldnt have much of a clue whats happening with other fosterers cats, except what I read about them on our website or if I chat to another fosterer on the phone, so wouldnt be much of an update with just my current 3
Lilli (how mad are you? lol!) I foster for Cats Action Trust (N&W Wilts) - oh, and the cats you see on our website are just the ones ready for homing. We have about 10 fosterers, each of whom will have several other cats in their care being assessed, vet checked, blood tested etc before going up for rehoming.
We have hardly rehomed at all these past few months and our fosterers are always full to capacity, sometimes beyond full! I have often had my double cattery pen full, my grooming room housing 1 cat and my office housing another! My current three, Perdy age 7yrs - been with me since Feb, Shadow age 6yrs - been here since Dec last year, and Chico (FIV+) age (approx) 10yrs - been here for nearly 2 YEARS!! There are threads about all of them here, but here's photos of Chico and Shadow just to remind you
My fosters in my cattery pens are all able to go outside in the garden during the day because I don't like keeping them cooped up inside for months on end. Chico doesnt roam free in the garden but gets to out on a harness, he lives part of the time in my shed, which was hastily converted to a pad with run attached specially for him, and he gets to come in to my office at bedtime.